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Order a Pizza with Your Mind and Eyes Using Pizza Hut Restaurant’s Subconscious Menu by Tobii Eye Tracking

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STOCKHOLM— November 28, 2014 — Tobii Technology, the global leader in eye tracking, and Pizza Hut Restaurant’s today release footage of the World's first Subconscious Menu, designed to intuitively recognize what the user really wants, even when the user doesn’t know themselves.

The new Pizza Hut Restaurants digital menu has been developed by Tobii in partnership with Pizza Hut and is rolling out nationwide to every refurbished restaurant in the UK. This digital menu could change the dining experience forever.

Taking 6 months to build, the innovative menu, which is completely controlled by the customer's retina, features images of 20 mouthwatering ingredients most commonly found across all of Pizza Hut Restaurants’ famous pizzas e.g. fresh peppers, chorizo, pepperoni, chicken. In exactly 2.5 seconds, the Subconscious Menu knows which ingredients your mind and eyes have been looking at longest. The menu then uses a powerful mathematical algorithm to identify, from 4896 possible ingredient combinations, the customer’s perfect pizza.

Tests on the Subconscious Menu have been incredibly positive with 98% of people, recommended a pizza with ingredients they love. If the user isn't happy though, they can easily start the process again with a quick glance of the re-start button.

Everyone's relationship with food is different, and our subconscious plays an important role in the foods we decide to eat. Dr Simon Moore, a chartered consumer psychologist says “We have quite an extensive subconscious relationship with our food and it’s certainly the case psychologically that "we eat with our eyes". Quick brain responses are probably hardwired to our evolutionary survival reflex. We are automatically drawn to foods that give us more nutrition– it is a safety mechanism we’ve inherited from primitive man that still plays a role in our subconscious decision making, even when we might be choosing pizza!”

Kathryn Austin Head of Marketing, Pizza Hut "We love to excite and innovate. This year we’ve redesigned restaurants up and down the country and launched a brand new menu with lots tasty new options. But we don’t just want to stop there. We wanted to try a few ideas on the traditional menu format and we’re delighted to have developed the world's first Subconscious Menu, a unique way to reinvent the dining experience"

Watch the video here.

Media Contacts
Tobii corporate contact:
Sara Hyléen, Marketing Director, Tobii Technology; phone: +46 709 161 641; email: sara.hyleen (@) tobii.com

For Pizza Hut:Phone: Pizza Hut Press Office 0207 908 6599 email: pizzahut (@) lexisagency.

About Tobii Technology

Tobii Technology is the global leader in eye tracking and is pioneering eye tracking in personal computing, has transformed research in many fields and has enabled communication for thousands of people with special needs. The company develops and delivers core eye-tracking technology as well as a comprehensive solution for interaction and analytical applications. Tobii is headquartered in Sweden and operates through three divisions: Tobii OEM Solutions, Tobii Assistive Technology and Tobii Analysis Solutions, with offices in the United States, China, Germany, Japan and Norway and a global network of resellers. Founded in 2001, Tobii continues to achieve rapid annual growth and receive awards and recognition for its accomplishments. www.tobii.com.
