DAF Trucks encourages youth to ‘Think Logistics’

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  • Significant contribution from DAF Trucks to Think Logistics
  • DAF Trucks steps-up with RHA and Abbey Logistics to ‘excite the next generation’
  • Industry initiative delivered by Career Academies UK
  • "At last, a serious initiative addressing the industry’s root concerns,” Ray Ashworth

DAF Trucks has announced a three-year sponsorship deal with Think Logistics – the new, transport industry-led drive to encourage 16-19 -year-olds into a career within the transport and logistics sector. Think Logistics, the brain-child of Abbey Logistics’ Steve Granite, has the full-backing of the RHA and a number of other leading truck operators, and is being delivered by national education charity, Career Academies UK (soon to be called Career Ready).

DAF Trucks’ announcement is made following Think Logistics’ presence at the CV Show where DAF Trucks and the RHA hosted a presentation and workshop for students from a local college.

At a time when the transport industry is looking urgently into ways of addressing the shortfall of skilled drivers, and where the subject of attracting ‘new blood’ was a hot-topic at the CV Show, DAF Trucks’ support of Think Logistics is as timely as it is substantial. Indeed, DAF Trucks’ pledge is said to be ‘significant’ and is described by Career Academies UK as having ‘a considerable impact on our future investment plans for the project’.

Funding also comes from the Edge Foundation, the independent education charity focused on technical, practical and vocational learning – itself plunging £50,000 into the initiative.

Through Career Academies UK, Think Logistics has been delivering industry-specific awareness workshops at various schools & colleges and has plans to set up five strategically located ‘Logistics academies’ in the North-East, Humberside, East Midlands, Manchester and the South West in September 2015. The first Logistics Academy was opened in September 2014 at West Derby School in Liverpool. Crucially, real-world experience at the cutting edge of the logistics industry will be provided by ‘mentoring’  programmes from leading operators involved in the project, including Eddie Stobart, Bibby Distribution, Matthew Kibble Transport, Brian Yeardley Continental, Caterpillar and several more. DAF Trucks now lends its considerable weight to the project.

“At last, a serious initiative addressing the industry’s root concerns,” said DAF Trucks Managing Director, Ray Ashworth, “I’ve been deeply impressed with Think Logistics and how it has been engaging directly with young people at Schools and Colleges. With Steve Granite’s infectious passion for trucks and transport,” he said, “and with his unwavering determination to attract a new generation to what is such a dynamic industry, we have an irresistible combination with genuine potential to open the eyes of young people to a range of job opportunities they may not have considered previously. I believe we have the ingredients here to excite the next generation.”

For Career Academies UK, the kudos of having a major truck manufacturer on board, not least the market leader, is reward for its tireless efforts at bringing Think Logistics to the attention of the transport and logistics industries.

“Think Logistics is an ambitious project,” said Ian Nichol, National STEM Development Manager at Career Academies UK, “and we’re very pleased with results thus far. Now, however, and with the influence of an industry leader such as DAF Trucks behind us, the true potential of our endeavours can be realised. Quite simply, DAF Trucks gives us clout!”

“DAF Trucks’ contribution is significant,” added Nichol, “and it will have a considerable impact on our future investment plans for the project.”


For further details please contact:

Belle Moss, Automotive PR                                      
020 7952 1070

