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  • Montevideo’s 50 BYD Electric Taxi Fleet Ushers in Rise of Electrified Public Transportation in South America

Montevideo’s 50 BYD Electric Taxi Fleet Ushers in Rise of Electrified Public Transportation in South America

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Uruguay is becoming known in South America as a trendsetter, by taking bold measures towards sustainable development and improvement of its citizens’ quality of life. Now it is aiming towards energy efficiency and reduced emissions, by jumping on Bogota’s bandwagon – which already relies on a 45 BYD e6 taxi fleet – and incorporating a fleet of 50 BYD e6 fully electric taxis to run the streets of Montevideo, as a result of the vehicles’ successful performance in tests since February this year. The country currently relies on a total fleet of 5,000 fossil fuel taxis, 60% of which are in the capital. 62% of the country’s energy comes from imported fossil fuels – 29% of which going into transportation – thus compelling the administration to set a serious decarbonization target of 30% by 2015.

The first batch of e6 taxis to integrate the Montevideo fleet

To achieve such goals, the government will be offering unprecedented subsidies and advantages to those willing to embrace electric taxis as an alternative to the seemingly less costly fuel cars: the taxi license for a pure electric vehicle will have a 60,000 USD subsidy, which is 50% less as compared to a conventional taxi; owners will also be exempted of the 23% import tax on the vehicles. As for charging infrastructure, government stimulus policies will promote the installation of charging facilities with a 5,000 USD subsidy for each charging pole installed. Altogether, a single pure electric taxi in Uruguay will receive the equivalent to 100,000 USD in subsidies.

Daniel Martinez, Mayor of Montevideo, takes his first ride in the BYD e6

In a ceremony held on Friday, August 14, national and departmental authorities were introduced to the first BYD electric taxis that will soon start operating in the city. Uruguay’s Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Carolina Cosse; the Mayor of Montevideo, Daniel Martinez; the President of UTE, Gonzalo Casaravilla; and the President of the National Taxi Union, Oscar Dourado, all spoke of the importance of energy policies that promote more efficient and environmentally friendly technologies for the transport sector, particularly with electric fleet vehicles. Mr. Casaravilla and Mr. Dourado also emphasized the urge to build a zero pollution and zero-emission green Montevideo. Minister Carolina Cosse stated: “We need to develop a broader and more robust productive matrix, and the two main components are energy and innovation."

Mr. Casaravilla, Ms. Cosse, Mayor Daniel Martinez and Mr. Dourado, celebrate the deal

About Abriley
Abriley S.A., has been responsible for introducing and promoting BYD Electric Vehicles in Uruguay for the past two years, working hand in hand with the local and national authorities with a total commitment making cleaner and more sustainable energy sources for transportation, by using the clean energy supply the country has been developing over the last years. In this period, Abriley cooperated with the Municipal Government of Montevideo, the national utility company (UTE) and the Ministry of Industry and Energy, in all the necessary tests and demonstrations of BYD Electric Vehicles in order to understand all the benefits of this new technology.

Abriley S.A. is led by Mr. Sasson Attie (President) and Mr. Isaac Attie (Director). With 40 years experience in the auto market in Uruguay, Argentina and Bolivia, this managing team has successfully introduced and distributed other major Japanese and Korean brands into these markets. Mr. Sasson Attie is currently Honorary Chairman of the Chamber of Auto Distributors in Argentina.

About BYD
BYD Company Ltd. is one of China’s largest companies to have successfully expanded globally. Specializing in battery technologies, their green mission to “solve the whole problem” has made them industry pioneers and leaders in several High-tech sectors including High-efficiency Automobiles, Electrified Public Transportation, Environmentally-Friendly Energy Storage, Affordable Solar Power and Information Technology and Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) services.

As the world’s largest manufacturer of rechargeable batteries, their mission to create safer and more environmentally friendly battery technologies has lead to the development of the BYD Iron Phosphate (or "Fe") Battery. This fire-safe, completely recyclable and incredibly long-cycle technology has become the core of their clean energy platform that has expanded into automobiles, buses, trucks, utility vehicles and energy storage facilities. BYD and all of their shareholders, including the great American Investor Warren Buffett, see these environmentally and economically forward products as the way of the future.

BYD has made a strong entrance to the North, Central and South American markets with their battery electric buses, and lineup of automobiles. Their mission lies not just in sales growth, but also in sociological integration and local job creation as they have poured incredible investments into developing offices, dealerships and manufacturing facilities in the local communities they now call home, truly a first for Chinese companies. For more information, please visit www.byd.com or www.facebook.com/bydcompany.

Contacts in China: Sherry Li
pr@byd.com tel: +86-755-8988-8888-69666

In US: Micheal Audtin, BYD
micheal.austin@byd.com tel: 1(800) BYD-AUTO 

In Europe: Penny Peng, BYD
penny.peng@byd.com tel: +31-102070888 

