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27 July 2016

Gloucestershire Airport has taken on the cloud-based operational management system, Centrik, to help its hard-working staff boost productivity.

The airport – which with more than 75,000 aircraft movements a year is Britain’s busiest general aviation airport – has replaced its labour-intensive and disparate safety management systems with Total AOC’s all-encompassing and powerful Centrik solution. Early estimates suggest that the automation and increased data management have already freed up 2.5 days a week for the airport’s Safety Manager and three days a month for the Operations Director – time savings that can then be used to increase productivity at the airport.

Darren Lewington, Operations Director, Gloucestershire Airport, says: “We are a very busy airport providing an airfield for everything from microlights to corporate jets, with minimal resources. Every saving we can make counts, and Centrik has done that by making our operational management much simpler.”

Gloucestershire Airport primarily makes use of Centrik’s SMS and Risk management capabilities and is currently implementing the system’s additional modules such as Training, Quality and Document Control.

Lewington says: “In my position we see a lot of products designed to handle operational management. What makes Centrik different is that it was immediately obvious that it wasn’t just a software ‘fix’. It’s built around aviation and really works.”

The efficiency boosts provided by Centrik mean staff can focus on strategic planning to continue growing the airport’s operations. Lewington already plans to make use of the freed-up time and greater availability of information to prepare the airport for transition to EASA.


Notes to editor: 

Total AOC is a team of aviation experts who offer a full support service to private and commercial operators. Their services include setting up an AOC, writing manuals, providing training and acting as post holders.

Total AOC’s innovative cloud-based software, Centrik, allows clients to enjoy truly paperless AOC management and helps ensure regulatory compliance.

For further press information please email James Boley or Mike Keeler at Garnett Keeler or call 020 8647 4467.

