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23 October 2015

CSE Citation Centre has hit full throttle in its race to beat the EASA Safety Management System (SMS) deadline for Part 145 MROs thanks to Centrik, the cloud-based operational management system from aviation support specialist Total AOC.

The Cessna service centre adopted the system after a demonstration by Total AOC, which showed how Centrik provided an EASA-class SMS that was tailored to its specific requirements. CSE also realised Centrik could manage many other aspects of its operation through Total AOC’s integrated multi-module management system, which includes quality, safety, training, document management, meetings and more.

Andy Wilkinson, CSE Citation Centre Maintenance Manager says: “An integral part of any SMS implementation is the development of the reporting culture within the business. At CSE this led to an avalanche of data which was cumbersome and labour intensive to process. Centrik streamlines this process and gives staff complete visibility of the issues they raise from reporting through to resolution. Management benefit from complete visibility of the business anytime, anywhere.”

Wilkinson adds: “We just love the simplicity and functionality of the software. If we hadn’t used Centrik, we couldn’t be where we are now – which is well ahead of our SMS implementation schedule.”

As one of the first MROs to use the system, CSE has benefited from the adaptability of the system, which has been developed by aviation specialists who understand the operational complexities of the industry. For CSE, one of these benefits was the implementation of the handover module which allows all staff to communicate vital information in real-time, 24/7 and ensures that everyone is on the same page. This is critical for the MRO which runs a multi-shift operation at Bournemouth International Airport and a mobile service unit based at Luton Airport.

Another additional benefit for CSE has been Centrik’s workflow management function, which transforms labour-intensive paper-based systems into active, on-line management processes offering labour savings and enhanced efficiency.

“Prior to discovering the benefits of Centrik, our paper and spreadsheet based administration systems drove duplication within the business. With Centrik, tasks are targeted directly to the responsible individual and can be tracked and audited. Everyone receives notification on their dashboard and knows exactly what they have to do and when. Formally disjointed processes become structured and seamless,” explains Wilkinson.

As an EASA Part 145 certified MRO, CSE is regulated and audited by the CAA which now has direct access into the business via Centrik, enabling remote audit and monitoring of key Part 145 elements. To ensure compliance under the regulations, all staff are required to login to Centrik once a day to access and acknowledge notices, manual updates, personal actions and safety newsletters. All data and usage is archived on the system allowing the generation of reports, evidencing compliance, for auditing and reference purposes.

“The CSE staff have embraced the system, it’s simple, intuitive and has improved the structure of our business immensely,” concludes Wilkinson.


Notes to editor:
Total AOC is a team of aviation experts who offer a full support service to private and commercial operators. Their services include setting up an AOC, writing manuals, providing training and acting as Nominated Persons.

Total AOC’s innovative cloud-based software, Centrik, allows clients to enjoy truly paperless aviationmanagement and helps ensure regulatory compliance.

For further press information please email James Boley or Mike Keeler at Garnett Keeler or call 020 8647 4467.

