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3 February 2014

This year’s deadline for switching to EASA AOC regulations could see many operators in a last minute panic, an industry insider has warned.

All UK operators which wish to carry out training following a failure of a candidate or retrain a pilot who has expired will have to acquire an ATO approval by the end of April or run the risk of using an ATO over which they have little control. Full EASA-OPS compliance has to be in place for AOCs by October, following the entry into force of European regulations in 2012 that now supersede national law. However, it seems that many operators have still not taken steps to manage the transition, says Julian Tubb, Director at aviation specialists Total AOC.

“We have had lots of phone calls in the last few weeks from operators who have suddenly realised that time is running out and they have not yet thought about the transition.

“There has been a tendency for UK operators to hide their heads in the sand when it comes to this change, and hope it will go away – and now it is coming home that they need to get their system in line.”

Complying with the new regulations means that operators will have to conduct a full review and make appropriate changes to their operations manuals. They will also need to be ready for Phase 2 SMS and make various other provisions by the deadline.

“These are quite fundamental changes and need time if they are to be done properly,” says Tubb. “In fact all operators should by now have submitted their timescale for transition to the new rules to their FOI.”

Total AOC specialises in all aspects of AOC set-up and support. The company has developed a comprehensive software package, Centrik, which allows companies to manage all aspects of AOC electronically.

“We have had an unprecedented demand from operators who want someone to help them manage the transition to EASA,” adds Tubb. “Many of them are now starting to realise that time is running out. They need to act now, with growing pressures on post holders and the added complexities of EASA regulations, or with many post holders holding down an ever growing flying program. That’s where we can help out.”

Current CAA exemptions and derogations issued against EU-OPS, JAR-OPS 3 or the Air Navigation Order, with either no expiry date or with an expiry date beyond 27 October 2014, will be revoked on 27 October 2014.   


Notes to editor:

Total AOC (http://www.totalaoc.com) is a team of aviation experts who offer a full support service to private and commercial operators. Their services include setting up an AOC, writing manuals, providing training and acting as post holders.

Total AOC’s innovative cloud-based software, Centrik, allows clients to enjoy truly paperless AOC management and helps ensure regulatory compliance.

For further press information please email Mike Keeler or Lucy Harvey at Garnett Keeler or call +44 (0)20 8647 4467.






We have had an unprecedented demand from operators who want someone to help them manage the transition to EASA,
Julian Tubb, Director,Total AOC Solutions Ltd.