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11 November 2014

Total AOC has further developed its revolutionary management software, Centrik, to enable airports to benefit from the seamless cloud-based services already enjoyed by operators flying to destinations worldwide.

Crucially, Centrik has been designed in line with EASA requirements, making it easy to achieve compliance.

The new version maintains the familiar and effective multi-platform interface for managing every factor involved in running an airport, including safety, risk and training, but comes with a host of airport-specific features that put total control of all airport operations at a manager’s fingertips.

All staff can file and issue data such as training information, meeting agendas, minutes and actions, plus safety, hazard and incident reports via tablet, smartphone or PC. Even visiting flight crews can file into the airport SMS.

Julian Tubb, Director, Total AOC, says: “We’ve listened carefully to airports to find out what software features would make their operations more efficient and effective, and we’ve used that feedback to create a comprehensive cloud-based management package that delivers savings and benefits right from day one.”

Centrik provides a unified, seamless system to integrate all departments within an airport, providing complete management control at a user’s fingertips. Information can be shared instantly with relevant departments, tasks can be allocated and because Centrik handles all aspects of the airport, management can review everything that is happening at a glance.

In addition to simplifying overall management, Centrik also allows complete control of training and certification across all personnel, from ground and engineering staff to firefighters and security officials. The system tracks each and every employee’s training record, providing instant alerts and warnings when staff have certificates approaching expiry. Centrik also provides departmental level feedback, so managers can see instantly the capabilities present in each sector of their operations.

The software also now includes a new Risk module, which covers health and safety risk methodology with a severity likelihood matrix. This allows assessments for all areas of an airport such as security, personnel and business, going far beyond just risks for flights.

Centrik also includes an SMS module, which provides simple and effective risk assessment. Safety managers can file in-depth risk assessments, and the software classifies the level of risk, calculates the appropriate actions, and management can then allocate those actions to staff as required, all at the touch of a button.

The software is already transforming operations at Biggin Hill Airport. Will Curtis, Managing Director at Biggin Hill, says: “Centrik has been essential in allowing us to become one of the first airports to implement SMS Phase 2 Compliance. Before we started using it, our systems were paper-based and actions could be lost in the paperwork, but because Centrik is totally transparent, I can really keep tabs on my postholders from day to day.”

Centrik for Airports is suitable for airports of all sizes and is now available to be fully customised for any individual client.


Notes to editor:

Total AOC is a team of aviation experts who offer a full support service to private and commercial operators. Their services include setting up an AOC, writing manuals, providing training and acting as post holders.

Total AOC’s innovative cloud-based software, Centrik, allows clients to enjoy truly paperless AOC management and helps ensure regulatory compliance.

For further press information please email James Boley or Mike Keeler at Garnett Keeler or call 020 8647 4467.


A video link interview with Will Curtis, Managing Director at Biggin Hill Airport which has installed Centrik – may be downloaded and used online (note: it is the same video, but available from either the Microsoft OneDrive or a Wetransfer link).





Centrik has been essential in allowing us to become one of the first airports to implement SMS Phase 2 Compliance.
Will Curtis, Managing Director, Biggin Hill Airport