New President and CEO of TradeDoubler

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The Board of Directors of TradeDoubler AB (publ) has today appointed Örjan Frid as President and CEO with immediate effect. Örjan Frid replaces Will Cooper who leaves TradeDoubler.
Örjan Frid has spent the last six years in IT businesses, as CEO of Dimension and auSystems and as COO at Teleca, Cybercom and Teligent.
 "I really look forward to contributing to TradeDoubler's continued development" says Örjan Frid and continues "with TradeDoubler's unrivaled market position and leading technology within digital marketing, the future looks bright even if the macro environment seems slightly uncertain short term. It will certainly be an exciting challenge to continue building this business together with TradeDoubler's competent staff."
Will Cooper joined TradeDoubler in 2000 and started by building the UK organization as Managing Director UK. Thereafter he has held positions as Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Operating Officer before being appointed Chief Executive Officer during spring 2007. Will Cooper has played a crucial role in taking TradeDoubler to where it is today and the Board of Directors are truly grateful for all his contributions during the past years. 
 Stockholm on 22 December 2008
 The Board of Directors of TradeDoubler AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Christer Elmehagen
Chairman of the Board
 T +46(0) 707 30 70 00