Urban Gillström new President and CEO of TradeDoubler

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TradeDoubler's Board of Directors has appointed Urban Gillström as the company's new President and CEO. Urban Gillström will take up his duties immediately, replacing Örjan Frid, who has been acting interim President and CEO since December 2008. Urban Gillström joins us from the US IT/telecoms company, Comverse Inc, where he was group President and responsible for global sales. Before then, he had a long career with Ericsson, including head of Ericsson's corporate market worldwide, and as President of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications in the USA. TradeDoubler has also begun the search for a new CFO to take over from Thord Norberg, who will be leaving the company along with Örjan Frid. Until a new CFO is in post, Bernt Andersson will be Acting CFO.

"We are delighted to announce Urban Gillström's appointment as CEO of TradeDoubler. He will be a major asset to the business, and he more than meets the Board's requirement for a CEO with documented strong leadership and experience at the top of international organisations", says Mats Sundström, Chairman of the Board of TradeDoubler.

Urban Gillström, 45, has over 15 years' experience at the Ericsson Group, during which he was active on four continents in the operator, consumer and corporate segments. He was also President of the business unit Ericsson Enterprise AB, President of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications in the USA, and President of Ericsson's operations in Central America and the Caribbean.

"I can see excellent opportunities to improve TradeDoubler's already strong market position in digital marketing. I intend to use my international experience in the IT and telecoms sectors to create profitable growth for the company", says Urban Gillström.

Bernt Andersson, who is taking over as Acting CFO and who will also assume responsibility for Investor Relations, has many years of business experience. His appointments have included working as CFO for Elekta Instrument, Sparbankernas Förvaltnings AB, Essex AB, Plantagen Norden and Com Hem AB. Since 2008, he has been running his own consulting firm.

Urban Gillström and Bernt Andersson will take up their posts immediately. Örjan Frid and Thord Norberg will stay on for as long as is necessary to ensure a smooth transition. 

"Örjan Frid joined TradeDoubler with a mission to make certain changes, mainly focusing on integrating IMW and to reduce costs. We have now made substantial progress in both areas. The number of employees has for example gone from 637 to 565 during 2009. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Örjan Frid and Thord Norberg for their total commitment to this vital work", says Mats Sundström.


For further information, please contact:

Mats Sundström, Chairman of the Board, tel. +46 70 342 87 90

Urban Gillström, President and CEO, tel. +46 70 785 76 00

Om TradeDoubler
TradeDoubler is an international digital marketing company offering a range of performance-based marketing solutions. TradeDoubler's products and services provide companies with the tools and expertise to drive results online whether they are looking to generate sales, leads or traffic or drive brand awareness. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the company boasts a unique global reach spanning 18 countries in Europe. With a breadth of expertise across multiple industry sectors and a network of more than 128,000 website publishers, TradeDoubler helps deliver results for over 1,700 advertisers including a mix of local and international companies such as Apple Store, Dell, TeliaSonera and Kelkoo. TradeDoubler is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Exchange. Please visit www.tradedoubler.com for further information.