Transiro Int. AB listed on NGM Nordic MTF

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IT-company Transiro Int. AB has received notice that the company will be listed on the Nordic Growth Market NGM AB's list for young growth companies, Nordic MTF. The first trading day will be on December 13th 2016.

NGM is one of two authorized stock markets with permission from the FSA. Nordic MTF (Multilateral Trading Facility) is NGM’s marketplace for trading in small and medium-sized entrepreneurial companies in the Nordic region. Nordic MTF is for young growth companies who want their shares traded in a public, electronic environment.

"For several years we have, together with our customers, including leading businesses within transport and public transport, developed our products to help companies, large and small, to catch up with the technological development where travelers already are. Now, I can happily say that Transiro has passed an important milestone as it is now listed on NGM Nordic MTF. It is a quality label that we are proud of. The main reason we chose to apply for listing on NGM Nordic MTF, was in order to increase our credibility as a supplier. We are delighted that we now, with the listing, can instil greater confidence among both our customers and shareholders. It is wonderful to know that the public believes in us and what we do. Now we can focus on the next step, which is to establish Transiro as a leading company here in Sweden and in the near future, also internationally. "- Tobias Beckman, CEO of Transiro Int. AB

"It feels great that Transiro is now listed on NGM Nordic MTF. The stock market has shown a great interest in Transiro and we, on the board, are very pleased that the dedication and work that has been put in to be listed, has payed off. Now, I look forward to our continued work to develop the company into a leading operator on the market. Transiro is in a very interesting situation, with a scalable product in an industry with very high growth. Our listing will ensure long-term stability and success of the business. "- Thomas Edselius, Chairman Transiro Int. AB.

Transiro’s shares will be traded under the short name TIRO MTF from December 13th 2016.

For more information, please contact:

CEO Transiro - Tobias Beckman
Phone: +46 8 684 284 01

Chairman Transiro - Thomas Edselius
Tel: +46 730 911 211

About us

Transiro develops cloud-based products that help companies in the transport industry to strengthen their critical business processes. By visualizing and managing vehicles more efficiently, Transiro helps customers save time, resources and on is environment friendly. A broad functionality, including support for e-commerce and mobile devices, allows Transiro to replace the need of multiple systems within the transport business. With leading-edge technology and constant innovation, Transiro delivers tomorrow's transport solutions - today.

More information about the company is available at


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