Tranter Brazil with outstanding efforts has obtained ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certifications.

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At Tranter, we stand by our global commitment to always deliver and support customized solutions and top-quality products to our customers. To achieve these goals, we continually seek ways to implement top safety measures in all of our processes. We are pleased to announce that Tranter Brazil has recently obtained ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certifications. These certifications provide a strong foundation for the development of quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety management for our customers and employees.

Tranter Brazil underwent an extensive process over the past couple of months to achieve these ISO certifications. The evaluation included assessing the status of our plant before the project, identifying areas for improvements and development,getting the right resources and software to support compliance with environment and health/safety legislations.

At the end of the evaluation, the certifications have resulted in improvements across departments, more efficient customer qualification processes, increased transparency for suppliers, and greater confidence from regulatory bodies. Additional improvements include optimized waste management, mapping of chemical products, and clearer documented information.

Obtaining these ISO certifications not only enhances Tranter’s customer journey process but also provides suppliers with greater clarity and objectivity in their work and instill higher confidence among regulators. Additionally, it has resulted in our employees coming together and strengthening their internal teams.

“It was a great achievement for Tranter to receive ISO certifications as they provide the company with greater credibility in the market,  opening new opportunities with companies that prioritize Sustainability and Health and Safety in their supply scopes. Working to obtain the certifications also made the internal team more engaged and collaborative.” Janaina Bandeira Health, Safety, Security & Environment Engineer at Tranter Brazil.

Tranter’s primary  focus will always be to stay ahead of all industry regulations in today’s market to provide the best quality of services. Huge congratulations to everyone who participated in this accomplishment!


