Opcon AB (publ) publishes prospectus for preferential share issue

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On 6 October 2011 the Extra General Meeting of shareholders in Opcon AB (publ) decided to perform an issue of new shares with preferential rights for existing shareholders. In connection with the preferential share issue, Opcon AB (publ) has today published a prospectus that has been approved by, and registered with, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. As previously announced, subscription commitments, declarations of intent and guarantees have been received that cover 100% of the share issue, which upon full subscription will amount to around SEK 130 million before costs.

The prospectus (in Swedish only) and application forms may be downloaded from www.opcon.se and www.penser.se/opcon. They can also be ordered free of charge from Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag, Box 7405, 103 91 Stockholm and via telephone, 0046 8-463 80 00, or email, emission@penser.se. Information will be sent to shareholders. The subscription period runs from 17 to 31 October 2011.

In accordance with regulations, the prospectus contains updated, previously unpublished information about shareholders’ equity and net debt as of 31 August 2011. Figures in brackets refer to 30 June 2011.

  • As of 31 August 2011 current interest-bearing debt was SEK 86.8 million (84.5 m) and long-term interest-bearing debt was SEK 43.5 million (45.1 m). Liquid assets were SEK 18.6 million (13.2 m). Net debt was SEK 85.9 million (91.3 m).

Presentation of Opcon
In connection with the preferential share issue, Opcon invites you to a presentation of the company.
Date: Thursday 20 October 2011 at 3 p.m.
Location: offices of Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag, Biblioteksgatan 9, Stockholm
Please notify attendance by 18 October 2011 to niklas.johansson@opcon.se

For further information, please contact
Niklas Johansson, vice president, Investor Relations, tel. 08-466 45 00, 070-592 54 53

Opcon AB, Box 15085, 104 65 Stockholm
Tel. 08-466 45 00, fax 08-716 76 61
e-post: info@opcon.se

The Opcon Group

Opcon is an energy and environmental technology Group that develops, produces and markets systems and products for eco-friendly, efficient and resource-effective use of energy.

Opcon has activities in Sweden, China, Germany and the UK. There are around 400 employees. The company’s shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. The Group comprises two business areas:

Renewable Energy focuses on the following areas: electricity generation based on waste heat, bioenergy-powered heating and CHP plants, pellets plants, drying of biomass, handling systems for biomass, sludge and natural gas, industrial cooling, flue gas condensation, treatment of flue gases and air systems for fuel cells.

Engine Efficiency focuses on ignition systems for combustion engines including ethanol, natural gas and biogas engines.

The information in this report is such that Opcon is obliged to disclose in accordance with Swedish securities markets law and/or Swedish law on trading in financial instruments. This information was released for publication on 12 October 2011 at 16.30 CET.

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This press release does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, subscribe for or otherwise deal in shares, warrants or other securities in Opcon. Invitation to interested persons to subscribe for shares in Opcon will only be made through the prospectus that Opcon intends to publish around the middle of October 2011.

Neither the subscription rights, paid-for subscribed shares or new shares will be registered under the Securities Act or any provincial law in Canada and may not be offered or sold in the U.S. or Canada or to a resident there, or on behalf of such persons other than in exceptional cases that do not require registration under the Securities Act or any provincial law in Canada.