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Expanding sales turnover, continued improvement in earnings

  • +16% growth for comparable units in second half of 2011, in line with earlier assessment
  • SEK 130 million preferential rights issue oversubscribed
  • Strong growth and doubling of profitability within Engine Efficiency 2011
  • Savings and restructuring programme according to plan
  • First order for Opcon Powerbox from Hungary
  • New agreement opens up opportunities on the Chinese market
  • Continued increase in operating margin in Q4
  • Non-recurring costs of SEK 7.3 million in Q4

Q4, October-December 2011*

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 177.0 million (157.1 m)
  • Operating profit (EBITDA) was SEK 6.3 million (4.2 m)
  • Operating loss (EBIT) was SEK 2.9 million (–4.0 m)
  • Loss after tax of SEK 5.9 million (–1.0 m)
  • Earnings per share SEK –0.07 (–0.04)

Full year, January-December 2011*

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 602.5 million (545.2 m)
  • Operating loss (EBITDA) was SEK 17.5 million (–45.8 m)
  • Operating loss (EBIT) was SEK 54.4 million (–77.0 m)
  • Loss after tax of SEK 52.2 million (–59.2 m)
  • Earnings per share SEK –1.31 (–2.36)

Significant events after the end of the period

  • Extensive licensing and delivery agreement with leading Chinese business active in cooling for manufacturing and global sales of eco-friendly cooling equipment developed by SRM

For further information

  • Rolf Hasselström, President and CEO: +46 8 466 45 00, +46 70 594 79 60
  • Niklas Johansson, deputy CEO, Investor Relations: +46 8 466 45 11, +46 70 592 54 53
  • Göran Falkenström, deputy CEO and CFO: +46 532 611 22, +46 70 330 05 02

*In order to increase comparability, comparable figures for 2010 have been adjusted to account for the divestment in September 2010 of the Mobility Products business unit and capital gains of SEK 60.5 million from the sale, and the figures are therefore different to those reported.

Operating profit includes a change in value (not affecting liquidity) in Australian Enerji Ltd. of SEK –0.7 million (+4.6 m) for the October-December period and SEK –5.7 million (–49.2 m) for the January-December period.


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