Opcon publishes offer document

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The document containing Opcon’s public offer to shareholders of Tricorona to transfer all their shares in Tricorona in return for shares in Opcon has now been published and is available on Opcon’s website, www.opcon.se. The offer document and application forms will be sent via post to registered shareholders of Tricorona around 22 March. The document may also be obtained free of charge from Opcon upon request. Nominee shareholders of Tricorona should contact their nominee for information and to receive instructions. Since nominee shareholders will not automatically receive the offer document they should contact Opcon, which can be done via email to info@banqueinvik.se. The offer document is also available at Banque Invik’s office on Birger Jarlsgatan 33, Stockholm. The acceptance period for the offer begins on March 23 and end on 13 April 2010.

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