Statement from Extra General Meeting of shareholders in Opcon AB (publ)

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The Extra General Meeting of shareholders in Opcon AB (publ) reached a decision today, 26 February 2010, on a non-cash issue of at most 22,575,707 shares in accordance with the Board’s proposal. The issue is directed to shareholders of Tricorona AB (publ) within the framework of the public acquisition offer announced on 10 February 2010. Each new share in Opcon shall be paid for with 6.5 shares in Tricorona. To the extent that this results in shareholders receiving a fraction of a share in Opcon, this fraction will be added to other such fractions and sold on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, after which the shareholders will receive cash payment for their respective fractions of the total sales proceeds. The subscription to shares will take place from 23 March 2010 up to 13 April 2010. The Board shall retain the right to extend the subscription period. The new shares shall give entitlement to receive dividends from the first settlement date that falls after registration of the shares with Euroclear Sweden AB. Allocation of shares in the new share issue is conditional on the terms in the public acquisition offer being accepted or rejected.

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