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  • Study indicates large initial market potential for Opcon Powerbox at Gas Powerstations in Australia

Study indicates large initial market potential for Opcon Powerbox at Gas Powerstations in Australia

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The energy- and environmental technology group Opcon’s partner in Australia, Enerji Ltd (ASX:ERJ), today released the results from the feasibility study regarding the technical and economic viability of installation of Opcon Powerbox at some of Alinta’s (earlier Babcock & Brown Power Services) gas- and coal fired power plants in Australia. According to Enerji, the study, that has been conducted by Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM), a leading engineering, sciences and project delivery firm, with some 6,500 employees, concludes that based on current operating scenarios, there is approximately 90 MW of thermal energy available to the Opcon Powerbox at Alinta’s 105 MW gas fired power station with an estimated gross power output at 9MW from 12 Opcon Powerbox units. Extrapolating those findings Enerji estimates an initial Australian market potential of 431 Opcon Powerbox units, equating to a potential 2,817 GWh of electricity production annually only from recovered energy at gas turbine generators. Enerji’s press release can be found at http://www.enerji.com.au/ Opcon Powerbox has been developed by Opcon to produce carbon-free electricity from waste and surplus heat starting at temperatures as low as 55°C. Opcon Powerbox, 0.74 MW in standard form, can be installed, for example, in large process plants, power plants, on large diesel engines or on large ships. Opcon Powerbox utilises waste heat to produce electricity from a source that would otherwise be wasted. Waste heat has enormous, largely unutilised potential. According to the American Energy Department there is more waste and surplus heat available in American industry than electricity production from all renewable energy sources in the US combined.

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