

We see significant potential in the partnership with Sainsbury’s and this could lead to further collaboration for reducing emissions
Pär Krossling, CEO of Triboron
Climate targets matter – but action to deliver them matters more. We have a strong heritage in reducing our own emissions and are collaborating closely with our suppliers to ensure we’re driving positive change across our value chain too. The progress we’ve made has enabled us to accelerate our own targets and move faster to cut our emissions. I am confident that our new agreement with Triboron will take us further along that road.
Ben Meech, Technical Manager, Fuel and Renewables at Sainsbury’s
Triboron has previously shown outstanding results in terms of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions under real-world conditions for diesel vehicles. We can now show significant reductions also for petrol cars. The result is very positive both in terms of the environment and fuel economy in these times.
Pär Krossling, CEO of Triboron
Triboron has previously shown outstanding results in terms of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions under real-world conditions for Euro 5 and 6 vehicles. We can now show significant reductions also for older diesel cars, which is very positive considering that a significant part of the vehicle fleet does not meet new stricter emission requirements.
Pär Krossling, CEO of Triboron
These astounding results demonstrate the strength of Triboron’s technology when it comes to reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions under real-world conditions. Emission Analytics is an authority on this type of testing and I assume that our target groups will look very closely at the results when evaluating our offering going forward.
Pär Krossling, CEO of Triboron
The test results with Triboron are among the best we have experienced, for this type of product, in Emissions Analytics’ independent PEMS testing. Such results would warrant attention from fuel companies as well as from automakers, transport companies, governments and others.
Nick Molden, Founder & CEO of Emissions Analytics
Triboron's technology, which enables reduced engine wear and lower fuel consumption, is highly interesting for our target groups. I look forward to offering customers Triboron's environmentally friendly products, which fit well into our sustainability framework, #SustainablePIERCE.
Henrik Zadig, CEO of Pierce Group
We see significant potential in the dealership with Pierce Group. They are growing rapidly, have a strong online presence and will expand our presence in the European market considerably.
Pär Krossling, CEO of Triboron
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