Take the time to show off your packaging solutions!

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If you’ve invested in packaging solutions such as paper merchandise bags and custom gift boxes here is Golden Choice packaging company’s top tips on displaying your packaging.

If you have taken the time, and have invested the money in customised packaging such as paper merchandise bags and custom gift boxes you should really show it off.  Making the effort to showcase your packaging solutions  can really help to set you apart from the competition.

Here are our top tips on displaying your packaging;

If you have a high street store, or if you are attending trade shows don’t keep your packaging hidden away where passers by can’t see it.  Display your packaging solutions proudly, either in the window display or right by the till.

If you have set up a stand at a trade show sit your packaging atop your table for all to see.  By making a point of showing off your beautiful bespoke packaging it will catch the attention of the people who pass, making your brand stick in their minds. 

Also if you have an email directory of everyone who has purchased items from you in the past, or people who have visited your website consider e-mailing previews of your new packaging, to increase brand awareness and generate interest.

You could also think about setting up a blog that shows off your products and packaging. It can help you to tell people about yourself, as well as inform people of the latest deals, promos and happenings in your store- such as your new packaging.

If your products are particularly visual, such as jewellery set up an online gallery such as Flickr to showcase your items, along with their packaging.  These sites help to drive people through to your website, increasing your number of potential customers who may buy from you.

Think social too; lots of companies have disregarded investing time and money into the use of social networks as a waste of resources. However, building a network of people who are interested in you and your products can help you to spread your metaphorical net even wider. Displaying your newly designed packaging on these networks can catch the attention of web surfers, who will then click through to your store, or who may pay a visit to your shop.

If you are interested in finding our more about packaging solutions, please visit Golden Choice packaging company at http://www.goldenchoice.co.uk/

About us:  Our luxury paper bags, gift boxes and other packaging are custom handmade to ensure first class quality and finest end product. In addition we offer a budget range of reusable bags which offer exceptional durability and greater recyclability. We have built our success by paying attention to what YOU want.

Golden Choice (UK) Ltd

25 Beverley Road

New Malden



0208 288 2568

Golden Choice is represented by Search Engine Marketing agency TRON Media. This Press Release was written by Jo-Anne Keyte, and distributed by Sarah Duley.  Please direct all press queries to Jo-Anne Keyte email: jo@tronmedia.co.uk or call: 02031670969.
