True’s reversing fans keep condenser coils cleaner

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Backwards and forwards – that’s the way to shift dirt

A common problem of refrigeration units operating in some kitchen environments is dirt build-up on the condenser, which without regular maintenance, can lead to inefficient operation and eventual compressor failure. To help reduce this, True has designed reversing fan motors for its TGU series of undercounter refrigeration and freezer units.

These new condenser fan motors reverse during normal operation, helping to keep the condenser coil free from dirt, dust and debris and thus make maintenance more manageable while reducing the number of service call- outs needed over a unit’s lifetime.

Keeping the coils clean optimises the refrigeration’s performance ensuring correct holding temperatures, and increasing energy efficiency - resulting in lower running costs. True recommends regular cleaning of condenser coils for the best results from all your refrigeration equipment.

True’s undercounter units use a heavy duty refrigeration system to keep the temperature at a steady 0.5 to 3.3°C for fridges and -23.3°C for freezers. Because the system is more powerful than the industry standard, it pulls down temperature more quickly after the doors or drawers are opened, which in turn means it uses less energy. Faster temperature pull-down times also enhance food safety and quality.

The complete True Refrigeration range is available through dealers across the UK and Ireland. For more information visit or call True UK on +44 (0) 1709 888888.

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Reversing fan motors – May-12

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This is True: True is the market-leading supplier of quality commercial refrigeration. Founded over 60 years ago in Missouri, USA, True now flourishes around the world – because its units are designed to offer the best environment to store your food products.

True UK is based in Goldthorpe near Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Alongside extensive warehousing the head office includes the UK’s most advanced refrigeration testing facilities.

Sustainable manufacturing: Over the past 10-years True has reduced its total water usage by 58% and reduced CO2 emissions by 142,000 metric tonnes – the equivalent to taking 23,500 vehicles off the road each year. True recycles 98% of all materials.


