TyreSafe 'insures' future growth with new member

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TyreSafe is treading new ground as the year starts by announcing that its latest member is its first from the insurance sector.

Indeed, the newcomer, Adrian Flux Insurance Services, is one of the UK’s leading motor insurance firms, covering everything from standard cars to classics, modified vehicles, supercars and kit cars. With such a strong market presence it will bring a wealth of knowledge and industry expertise which will be used in future TyreSafe campaigns.

Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe, said: “It’s more than just a case of new year, new member for TyreSafe because we are really delighted to say that this is the first insurance broker to join our ranks, which also includes car manufacturers, tyre manufacturers and retailers and public sector organisations.

“It’s especially pleasing because Adrian Flux boasts such a strong web presence, which we hope to tap in to.

“However, we won’t sit on our laurels and are looking forward to encouraging many more new members in 2012, especially those from the insurance sector as they can bring a unique insight to the issues surrounding tyre safety through their involvement with customers making motor insurance claims, particularly tyre related ones.”

Since its inception six years ago, TyreSafe's activities have helped reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured each year in a tyre related accident by 38 per cent.

Benefits of TyreSafe membership include access to TyreSafe campaign materials for dual branding purposes, participation in nationally organised awareness campaigns and online banner ads with generic and campaign based tyre safety.

Gerry Bucke, general manager, Adrian Flux Insurance Services said: “TyreSafe has been doing a great job raising the awareness about the dangers associated with illegal or defective tyres, so we're pleased to get involved and lend our support . And as a market leader Adrian Flux has always been keen to lead where others follow, so we're very excited to be the first insurance company to join the organisation."

“Of course, our line of work means we see on a daily basis the human and financial cost of tyre related accidents, many of which might have been prevented by a few simple checks which take just a matter of minutes.”

With nearly 40 years’ experience of arranging cover for almost anything on two, three or four wheels, Adrian Flux has built up a range of special schemes with insurers, but it also offers competitive rates on insurance for motorcycles, homes, caravans, commercial vehicles, travel and pets. For more information visit www.adrianflux.co.uk

Those interested in becoming TyreSafe members should contact Christine Joyce on 0845 3016852 or visit www.tyresafe.org for more information.

TyreSafe is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of correct tyre maintenance and the dangers of defective and worn tyres.

In 2009, TyreSafe was awarded with the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in recognition of its achievements in raising awareness about the dangers associated with driving on defective and worn tyres.

TyreSafe supports the government’s ACT ON CO2 campaign which promotes Smarter Driving tips to help cut CO2 emissions from driving.

TyreSafe is a signatory to the European Road Safety Charter which aims to reduce road fatalities.

TyreSafe is a supporter of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety which aims to make roads safer and save lives.

Useful Links
TyreSafe – www.tyresafe.org
Twitter – www.twitter.com/tyresafe @TyreSafe
Facebook – www.facebook.com/tyresafeuk
YouTube - www.youtube.com/user/TyreSafe
Flickr – www.flickr.com/tyresafe
UN Decade of Action – www.makeroadssafe.org
Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards - www.roadsafetyawards.com
European Road Safety Charter - www.erscharter.eu/signatories/profile/13459 

PR Contact
Danny Rughoobeer

Red Marlin
T 01926 333245
M 07739 878365


