Swedish Research Spin-off Elastisys Automates Cloud Management Through Predictive Analytics

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As more and more companies move their services to public and private clouds, CIOs worry about escalating cloud costs and managing the ever growing amount of cloud based workloads. Enter Elastisys, the Swedish cloud focused spin-off from Umeå University with its patented cloud management technology which is unique in its predictive approach to automatically scaling resources according to future needs.

Elastisys have recently completed a seed round together with Swedish investors Partnerinvest Norr, ALMI and the business angel group Northern Light Capital. As of the investment Robert Winter has been recruited as the CEO to drive sales and marketing:

Going to Mobile World Congress
"Service providers and network operators are moving to a cloud infrastructure in a rapid pace. Elastisys is well positioned in the forefront of predictive analytics to help companies provide faster, more cost-efficient services with higher availability and less manual work. We are going to Mobile World Congress and really looking forward to meeting everyone there."
Unique in its predictive approach
The Elastisys cloud management platform provides cloud applications with robustness and cost efficiency while controlling performance, for example in terms of throughput and response times. The technology extends on decades of internationally leading research and is unique in its predictive approach to automatically scaling resources according to future needs. 
Target infrastructures span from individual servers to virtual network functions (VNF), rack-scale systems as well as private and public clouds, supporting IoT and cloud applications.
Exciting new technology
Erik Elmroth, Chief Scientist:

"The importance of intelligent, data-driven, and automatic resource management is rapidly increasing. This follows the trend of larger and more dynamic systems, such as rack-scale, software-defined infrastructures and mobile edge clouds as well as increased cloud and IoT usage. We are really happy to have secured funding to take this exciting new technology to a broader market."
About Elastisys
Elastisys offers a management platform that gives enterprises or online service providers fast and robust IT systems that are cost and energy efficient. Features include predictive auto-scaling, monitoring, automatic fail-over, multi-cloud capabilities and support for Kubernetes, Docker, OpenStack and more. The technology extends on decades of internationally leading research and is unique in its predictive approach to automatically scaling resources according to future needs.

Target infrastructures span from individual servers to virtual network functions (VNF), rack-scale systems as well as private and public clouds, supporting IoT and cloud applications.

Read more about Elastisys at www.elastisys.com and the research group at cloudresearch.org.

For more information:
Robert Winter, CEO, Elastisys
He will also be representing the company at Mobile World Congress.

Press Officer at Uminova Innovation
Hanna Kangassalo

Uminova Innovation is a business incubator in Umeå, Sweden. We support people with good ideas and high ambitions, by helping them build sustainable companies with products or services that solve real problems on an international market.


