What’s in a bag? Uncover Ostomy founder hits the streets to dispel the stigma around the ostomy
TORONTO (February 1, 2012) – While most women are concerned about the designer label on their handbag, 23 year-old Jessica Grossman’s bag is a little different. She wears an ostomy [os-tuh-mee] pouch -- a special bag on her body that collects waste and has been her every day “accessory” since having surgery.
To celebrate the ten proud years she’s been healthy since her ostomy surgery and to acknowledge the more than 70,000 Canadians who have an ostomy, Grossman is leading the charge in dispelling the surgery’s negative perception. How? By asking Canadians - Where’s Your Ostomy?
To encourage discussion, Grossman is launching an online video where she hits the streets of Toronto and quizzes strangers on their Ostomy IQ. The ‘Where’s Your Ostomy?’ video includes:
- Canadians mistaking an ostomy bag for a pillow and shoulder pad
- Men in Trojan warrior outfits confirming that there is nothing gross about ostomies
- An ostomy being called ‘sexy’
- A street performer serenading Grossman with an unscripted performance of ‘My Ostomy Will Not Be The End Of Me’
“Those needing ostomy surgery often fight it because they think it’s the end of a normal life; what they don’t realize is that it is the beginning of a new one,” Grossman shares. “Children facing surgery struggle with personal acceptance and self-confidence. What ostomates often don’t realize is that they can thrive in every aspect of life, including work, family and love, as long as they accept themselves.”
If you weren’t lucky enough to meet Jessica in the streets and receive a cool ostomy t-shirt, they are for sale online, one for those with an ostomy and one for those without. The t-shirts can be reserved through the crowdfunding-based platform Teespring.com and sell for $15. All proceeds go to future Uncover Ostomy efforts through IDEAS (Intestinal Disease Education and Awareness Society), which is a registered Canadian charity.
About Uncover Ostomy
Since 2009, Jessica Grossman and the Uncover Ostomy team have sparked a positive conversation about the ostomy through engaging content and open conversation via social media. Uncover Ostomy’s multiple online platforms connect ostomates around the world, allowing them to share war stories, advice, photographs and more. Join the conversation at Facebook.com/uncoverostomy.
For more information or to book an interview, please contact:
Jessica Grossman