Adult Learners complete Introduction to Early Years course through UWTSD

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University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) are working with a group of young parents brought together by the Flying Start team in Neath, Port Talbot, to deliver adult learning courses.

In October 2022 the group of parents successfully completed a course run by Donna Williams from the University’s Widening Access Department. The course, entitled Living Life to the Full, is one of UWTSD’s Stepping Stone courses, and uses Cognitive Behaviour Approach to help build confidence, resilience and enable individuals to feel happier and healthier.

Drawing upon learner needs and the Widening Access department’s objectives, the University worked closely with the Institute of Education and Humanities and two lecturers Jessica Pitman and Glenda Tinney to plan and deliver a 4-week Introduction to Early Years course.

The course was funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) Reaching Wider programme, as part of the university’s commitment to widening access and creating pathways into Higher Education.

Each week, learners took part in hands-on sessions based around the foundations of the Childhood Youth and Education degree programmes. The course proved hugely successful, and upon completion, the group are now keen to undertake more learning opportunities offered by UWTSD.

Ashley Chipps, Flying Start Parenting Support worker said: The young parents group has been lucky to receive various programmes from UWTSD. On Live Life to the Full, parents looked at their own personal wellbeing and what changes they can make to their life to improve their mood.

“They really enjoyed the course and some were able to make positive changes in their lives as a result of attending. Another programme saw tutors from the University give parents practical play ideas that were easy, affordable and fun. The parents created brilliant crafts including story sacks and were keen to recreate these sessions at home with their children”.

With a newfound appetite for learning since completing the course, the group visited the University’s IQ building at the Swansea Waterfront Campus with their families in February for an afternoon of fun, play and learning, which included meeting academics and current students.

UWTSD is delighted to offer on-campus visits for community-based Adult Learners as well as their families, and plans to work closely with more institutes within the University to offer a variety of short courses and taster sessions in the near future.

Jessica Pitman, lecturer in Childhood, Youth and Education at UWTSD said: "It was a pleasure to meet the parents and children from Melin, Neath. It’s important to show the communities we serve that we are welcoming to all and supportive of their Higher Education journeys.

“It was refreshing to see children on our campus in Swansea. We are a truly inclusive university and I am looking forward to bringing more families in to visit us. I have a feeling we will see one or two parents and children come through our doors again”.

Glenda Tinney, lecturer in Early Years Education at UWTSD, said: “This has been a wonderful project which I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in. Meeting at the Melincryddan Community Centre and undertaking activities that reflected some of the play-based and creative learning activities we discuss on our Childhood, Youth and Education courses was great.

“I also enjoyed hearing their ideas and aspirations for future learning journeys. UWTSD is a community university, and being able to visit the parents in their community centre and welcome families to our campus made our community link very real. I am sure this will be the start of a long relationship with the parents and families. Fantastic!”

Notes to editors

The Hefcw funded Reaching Wider Programme is a Wales-wide, collaborative, long-term programme to widen access to higher education and higher-level skills. It aims to increase higher education participation from priority groups and communities in Wales by raising educational aspirations and skills, and creating innovative study opportunities and learning pathways to higher education. 

Ella Staden

Press and Media Officer

Corporate Communications and PR

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

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Phone : 07384467078

University of Wales Trinity Saint David is part of the UWTSD Group, a confederation of several institutions, which includes the University of Wales, as well as Coleg Sir Gâr and Coleg Ceredigion as constituent colleges. The Group offers a continuum from further to higher education for the benefit of learners, employers and communities. 

UWTSD’s vision is to be a university with a commitment to the well-being and heritage of the nation at the heart of all its activities. Central to the vision is the promotion and embedding of a dual-sector educational system which educates learners of all ages and backgrounds, and stimulates economic development in the region, across Wales and beyond.

The University’s was founded in 1822 and celebrated its bicentenary in 2022. It enjoys the accolade of being the birthplace of higher education in Wales.  The University’s 1828 Royal Charter is the oldest of any university in Wales. The University’s campuses are located in Swansea Carmarthen, Lampeter, Cardiff, London and Birmingham. 

UWTSD is committed to placing students at the centre of its mission by providing a relevant and inspiring bilingual curriculum, providing a supportive learning environment, investing in its campuses and facilities, and ensuring that students, from all backgrounds, are given the opportunity to achieve their potential.  

