Camanio Care AB (publ) is participating in an International Network meeting together with SKL

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In the end of May 2018, Camanio Care is specially invited to join SKL, Tibro Municipality and Halmstad University on an international leadership networking meeting within disabilities and mental illness at the Globen Annexet in Stockholm, Sweden. 

The international leadership network is called IIDL (International Initiative for Disability Leadership). It is a unique network for innovation, knowledge development and methodology to support the vision of full participation in society for people with disabilities. The exchange takes place between countries, governments and organizations.

The network started as a collaboration between Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. Now these borders have been extended to the United Kingdom, USA and Sweden and in the future, it will hopefully extend to more countries. Parallel to IIDL there is the older and larger network ‘International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership’, IIMHL, which supports the vision regarding full participation in society for people with mental illnesses. SKL (Sweden’s Municipalities and Counties council) have participated in this network for many years.

In Sweden, the government has given the Public Health Authority the task to coordinate the IIMHL section and the Authority of Participation is the coordinator for IIDL. In addition to these two authorities, there are a number of other public institutions and various organizations represented in an organization committee.

-        It will be a great opportunity for leaders from all over the world to meet and develop something together and a chance for Swedish organizations to participate in an international arena which is quite unique. Approximately 500 people attend, says Ola Balke from the Authority of Participation.

Together, both of the networks arrange an international network meeting in Globen Annexet 28th May – 1st June 2018. The event, that has received the title ’Building Bridges Beyond Borders’, is held for a week. This is where thematic exchanges are held with lectures and meetings for partnerships.  

-        We are proud and glad to be able to participate as specially invited and as one of the key players within dementia care at this international networking meeting. Camanio Care is continuously looking for new opportunities for collaboration and networks that take healthcare issues and development forward.  Being a part of IIDL increases the chances for Camanio Care to develop good products and services that contribute to change and improvement of the healthcare in Sweden, but even globally, which is an important business focus for 2018 Says Catharina Borgenstierna, CEO, Camanio Care AB.

For further information, please contact:
Catharina Borgenstierna, CEO
Telephone: 0733-93 00 07

About Camanio Care
Camanio Care is a company operating in the care tech marketplace with robotics, assistive devices and gamification that focus on supporting basic human needs. We provide products and services that improve quality and efficiency in the areas of Active Life, Mealtime Situation and Digital Care with products such as
BikeAround™, Giraff and Bestic®. Camanio Care has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, subsidiaries in the USA and distributors in ten European countries and also Australia and China. We make the future work!

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