Change in number of shares in Camanio Care AB (publ)
Conversion of convertible notes into shares under the Convertible Notes issued within the financing agreement announced on December 6th 2017.
The date of conversion was December 18th 2017 and the number of Notes converted was 30. The number of Notes remaining under the first Tranche for future conversion is 370. The number of shares and the number of votes before the conversion was 15 432 118.
Through the conversion the number of shares and the number of votes has increased by 133 333. The total number of shares and the total number of votes after the conversion amount to 15 565 451.
Conversion price is 2,25 SEK per share and conversion amount is 300 000 SEK.
For terms and conditions of the Notes, please visit Camanio Care’s website:
For further information, please contact:
Catharina Borgenstierna, CEO
Telephone: 0733-93 00 07
About Camanio Care
Camanio Care is a company operating in the caretech marketplace with robotics, assistive devices and gamification that focus on supporting basic human needs. We provide products and services that improve quality and efficiency in the areas of Active Life, Mealtime Situation and Digital Care with products such as BikeAround™, Giraff and Bestic®. Camanio Care has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, subsidiaries in the USA and distributors in ten European countries and also Australia and China.
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This information is information that Camanio Care is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on December 18th, 2017.