Swecare nominates Camanio Care to Rising Star Award 2018
Camanio Care is one of the companies who are nominated to the newly established award Rising Star, which will be awarded at Swecare’s annual conference. The prize is awarded to young and fast-growing companies within the health care sector.
The aim of the Swecare Export Award is to encourage creativity and innovative thinking, as well as working for new models of successful international growth and expansion within the area of Swedish healthcare industry. The prize also contributes by sharing information about Swecare, it’s triple helix network and the extent of Swecare’s work.
- We are very proud and delighted to be nominated by Swecare to the Rising Star Award. We consider the nomination to be a recognition of our development and continuing growth as a company, says Catharina Borgenstierna, CEO Camanio Care.
The prize will be awarded on April 19 by Maja Fjaestad, Secretary of State to the Minister for Children, the Elderly and Gender Equality, in the presence of H M Queen Silvia.
- A new prize category called Rising Star is to be established in connection to Swecare’s 40-year anniversary, as a part of the Swecare Export Award. This prize aims towards smaller companies who are at the beginning of their internationalization process and who works with small means, great commitment and a “fighting spirit”, and who have stood particularly out during the year. The criteria states that the company should have an innovative product or service that comes from Sweden, and which is considered to be potentially globally successful. The winner should have succeeded in making an impression on the global market, made particular use of the opportunities that have been offered within the Swecare’s network, and contributed to others by sharing their knowledges and experiences, says Maria Helling, CEO Swecare.
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For further information, please contact:
Catharina Borgenstierna, CEO
Telephone: 0733-93 00 07
E-mail: catharina.borgenstierna@camanio.com
About Camanio Care
Camanio Care is a care tech company, developing services with the individual in focus. The company offers solutions within robotics, assistive devices, and gamification, with products such as BikeAround™, Bestic®, and Giraff™.
Through three focus areas; Active Life, Mealtime and Digital Care, the company wishes to support people’s basic needs and increase the competence and quality within health care.
Camanio Care has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, a subsidiary in the U.S., as well as distributors in China, Australia and ten European countries.
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