The next SQL standard will be born in Stockholm in June

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The next SQL standard will be born in Stockholm in June Upright Database Technology AB, Uppsala, Sweden, the vendor of the Mimer SQL DBMS, will in June host the next SQL Summit for the international ISO SQL-standardization committee. In this summit, the world's leading DBMS authorities from Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Upright and other vendors will meet in Stockholm to finalize their work on the coming international SQL standard, SQL:2003. They will also start-up the work with the next generation of the SQL standard, with the code name SQL:2007. Upright will host the next meeting of the international standardization organization ISO's Work Group for database languages (WG3) in Stockholm in June 2003. During this weeklong SQL summit, representatives from USA, UK, Netherlands, Japan, Germany, Sweden and other countries will finalize their work with SQL:2003, the new international SQL standard to be published by the end of 2003. Another important task for the participants of the Stockholm SQL Summit is to start the work on the next SQL standard, scheduled for 2007. The WG3 committee is a good example of how developers of DB2, Mimer SQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and other DBMS products can influence the international standardization. "I'm very pleased for the opportunity to invite my colleagues from IBM, Oracle, Microsoft and other DBMS vendors to Stockholm in June" says Åke Persson, a senior Mimer SQL developer, and also the Swedish representative in the ISO WG3 committee. "With our firm commitment to the SQL Standard when developing Mimer SQL, this is a very good opportunity to raise the profile of international DBMS standards in Sweden" continues Åke. The ISO WG3 SQL Summit will be held June 2-6 in central Stockholm. There will be opportunities for the press to meet the participants during this time. Please contact Upright's SQL Summit project manager Bo Erlandsson for more details (contact details below). For more information, please contact Åke Persson, Mimer SQL database developer, Upright Database Technology AB Member of the ISO SQL-standardization committee ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32, WorkGroup 3, Database Languages Phone: +46 (0)18-780 92 29, Web: Bo Erlandsson, SQL Summit project manager, Upright Database Technology AB Phone: +46 (0)18-780 92 41, Mobile: +46 (0)730-299 344, Web: About ISO SQL The international ISO SQL standard is defined by the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1/Sub Committee 32, Work Group 3, Database Languages (WG3). Among the members in the WG3 are employees from Hitachi, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase and Upright. About Upright Database Technology From its headquarters in Uppsala, Sweden, Upright Database Technology is developing world-class DBMS software products. The Mimer SQL product family consists of three DBMS products: Mimer SQL Engine - to build-in in standard applications, Mimer SQL Mobile - solutions for mobile devices, Mimer SQL Embedded - for tailor-made solutions. Common to all members of the Mimer SQL family is their ease-of-use and zero maintenance. They are also scalable, reliable and have a small footprint. Upright Database Technology is part of Upright United. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: