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  • Valio's leading project, Food 2.0, is progressing – presenting the key personnel and research themes

Valio's leading project, Food 2.0, is progressing – presenting the key personnel and research themes

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In February, Valio announced that it has been selected by Business Finland as a leading company to start the Food 2.0 project, which is an ongoing effort to develop the food system of the future and promote the competitiveness of food exports. Veera Virtanen has been appointed Ecosystem Lead of the partner ecosystem within the project. Around 50 business and community partners have already joined the ecosystem, and the goal is at least one hundred partners. 

“For food production, a genuine circular economy means that nutrients, energy and side streams circulate: everything produced along the way ends up being utilised, and nothing goes to waste. This can be achieved through extensive industry-wide research and development cooperation. There are hundreds of companies and other operators in Finland’s food system, and it is a pleasure to be creating the food system of the future with the help of the entire industry,” says Veera Virtanen

Veera Virtanen has extensive experience working at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland on building and implementing projects and research in areas such as circular economy, industrial biotechnology, food, green chemistry, renewable energy and fibre processes. In addition, she has a wealth of experience in ecosystem building and research funding instruments, such as Business Finland and EU projects. Her networks are also extensive, especially in food system-related value chains. 

Comprehensive entity of Food 2.0 research themes 

In the Food 2.0 project, development of the future food system is divided into four research themes. The project manager for the Food 2.0 project is Riitta Partanen

Future products 

This research theme aims to create products that meet the expectations of consumers in the future and with more sustainable production. What’s key about future products is a focus on developing nutritional quality, taste and mouthfeel, as well as combining the potential of animal, plant and cell agriculture in the best possible ways. Researcher Mikko Immonen is responsible for this research theme. 

Technology transformation 

This research theme seeks extensive solutions for how automation, various data and calculation models, machine learning and artificial intelligence can be innovatively applied to the food system. Technology has great potential to streamline and accelerate work, improve quality and systematicness, and eliminate human errors. Technology Manager Niina Valkonen is responsible for this research theme. 

Regenerative production 

Regenerative farming is a significant tool for mitigating and adapting to climate change. The theme, regenerative production, seeks solutions to restore poorly productive peatlands, support biodiversity and boost animal welfare, among other things. Development Manager Virpi Kling is responsible for this research theme. 

Circular economy and resource efficiency 

In the future, the circular economy and resource efficiency will be the starting points of the entire food system. This theme seeks solutions for the development of domestic nitrogen production as a key raw material in fertilizer, the utilisation of side streams of food production, improvements in water efficiency, and the reduction of the environmental impact of primary milk production. Development Manager Robert Harmoinen is responsible for this research theme. 

Valio has begun recruiting for the following positions related to the Food 2.0 project. Applications are accepted through Valio's recruitment system. 

PhD Student (soil carbon measurements and modelling), Helsinki, fixed-term (rekrytointi.com)

Research Scientist (Separation Technology), Helsinki, fixed-term (rekrytointi.com)

Project Specialist (Climate Neutral Dairy Farm Pilot), Helsinki, fixed-term (rekrytointi.com)

Find more information about the project here

Further information and interview requests

Valio Mediadesk mediadesk@valio.fi

Valio is a Finnish food company founded in 1905. Valio is owned by 3,400 Finnish dairy farmers through cooperatives. We pay out our operating profit to the dairy farms. The Valio brand is a promise of first-class quality and responsibility. Valio’s sales in 2023 were EUR 2,3 million.

We are Finland’s biggest food exporter and a trailblazer for the whole food industry. We export our consumer and industrial products to approximately 50 countries. We are an owner in Oddlygood, a company focusing on plant-based products. Our Valio Aimo® wholesale business serves hotels, restaurants and catering services, bakeries, and customers in the public sector and food industry all around Finland. Suomen Lantakaasu Oy, a joint venture we established with energy company St1, is boosting the circular economy by producing biogas from dairy farm manure. In all, we employ 4,200 people.

Our goal is to cut the carbon footprint of milk to zero by 2035. We are reducing emissions, growing carbon sinks and creating circular economy solutions. We are improving animal welfare, and we are working to increase biodiversity.

We bring taste experiences, variety and joy to the dining table and professional kitchens. At the same time, we are building wellbeing and making sure that we will have locally produced food also in the future. Innovativeness and drive for renewal have brought us at Valio together for over a hundred years − ever since Nobel laureate A.I. Virtanen headed Valio’s product development. Our mission is to make life better

Valio – Together we make life better.


