Barsebäck to be shutdown in May 2005
Vattenfall’s subsidiary Barsebäck Kraft AB is now awaiting notification regarding the second Barsebäck reactor after the Government in a press release today clarified its decision that electricity generation there must cease by 31 May 2005 at the latest.
The Government’s decision clarifies the permit holder’s responsibility under the Environmental Code. The termination of electricity generation operations is not in itself grounds for an environmental review. The financial terms will be regulated in accordance with the framework agreement concluded between the State, Sydkraft AB and Vattenfall AB in connection with the premature closure of Barsebäck 1. The personnel at Barsebäck are employed by the Vattenfall Group. Those employees affected by the closure will be needed for other work within Vattenfall. A three-year employment guarantee applies to all the employees at Barsebäck from and including the date on which the second reactor at Barsebäck 2 is decommissioned. For further information, please contact: Alf Lindfors, Head of Nordic Generation, telephone +46 (0)8-739 55 70. From Vattenfall’s Press Office, telephone +46 (0)8-739 50 10.