Comments on internal report concerning the incidents at Forsmark

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The report that has been covered by Swedish Television, SVT, today was written because certain employees had expressed their concern to the Managing Director of Forsmark. He then asked them to compile their views, which have subsequently been forwarded within the organisation for assessment and action.

The report has since resulted in a 60-point programme to strengthen the level of safety at Forsmark.

In December last year, Forsmark submitted an action plan to the National Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate covering four areas: An improved process for dealing with plant changes, improvements in maintenance processes, decision-making procedures in connection with major operational disruptions and measures to strengthen the safety culture.

“I can understand that people may feel anxious when they hear about a report like this,” says Göran Lundgren, Head of Vattenfall Nordic Generation, “but it is only one of many analyses that were initiated following the events last summer. These have since resulted in a 60-point programme aimed at strengthening the safety at Forsmark. Of these points, some 20 have been fully implemented, just over 30 are under way and those with the lowest priority will be started in 2007”.

“I am convinced that the programme we have initiated will strengthen the safety at Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant”.

“Forsmark performs drug tests on all new recruits, as well as contractors. These are followed by random checks, and if anyone is found to be under the influence of drugs they are immediately sent home in accordance with our routines. It goes without saying that there is zero tolerance against drugs at Forsmark”.

For more information, please contact:
Göran Lundgren, Head of Vattenfall Nordic Generation, tel: +46 8-739 57 79
Erik von Hofsten, Head of Media Relations, Vattenfall Nordic, tel: +46 70-559 54 84

From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 8 739 50 10.


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