Elisabeth Ström new Communication Director at Vattenfall

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Ms. Elisabeth Ström has been appointed Communication Director at Vattenfall. She will take up her position January 1st, 2010.

The new Communication Director, also Vice President and member of the Group Executive Management, will be responsible for Vattenfall’s communication and market intelligence. This implies that Vattenfall is now applying a more comprehensive view on communication and business issues, based more explicitly on the fact that Vattenfall is operating under a common brand in Europe. Also Nuon, primarily operating in the Netherlands, will gradually be transferred into the Vattenfall brand structure. ”Vattenfall is now taking the next step in communications. With Elisabeth Ström we will have a recognised capable and energetic leader with solid experience,” says Mr. Lars G. Josefsson, CEO and President of the Vattenfall Group. “This is one of the most exciting Communication Director positions in Europe. There are great challenges awaiting Vattenfall, but the Group also has great resources. I am really enthusiastic about the tasks ahead of me,” says Ms. Ström. Ms. Elisabeth Ström is currently working chairperson of the board and managing director of the interna-tionally operating business consultancy Everystone Nordic AB and the communication agency The Brand Union AB and chairperson of the Swedish Association of Communication Agencies. She was previously Vice President and Market and Sales Manager at Posten AB, the Swedish national mail corporation, Vice President and Communication Manager at the Swedish Co-operative Union (KF) and at the Swedish bank Föreningssparbanken AB publ. For further information, please contact: Mark Vadasz, Head of Media Relations, tel. +46 8 739 6066, mobile +46 70 344 61 50. From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 (0)8-739 50 10.


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