Jöran Hägglund new Head of Public and Regulatory Affairs at Vattenfall
Jöran Hägglund, 51, is appointed as new Head of Public and Regulatory Affairs at Vattenfall. He will report to Elisabeth Ström, Head of External Relations and Communications. Public and Regulatory Affairs has 82 employees in seven countries.
Jöran Hägglund has more than twenty years experience as a politician. Up till 2010, he was State Secretary in the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise.
“I am very pleased that we found such an experienced and competent candidate,” says Elisabeth Ström. “Jöran has over many years worked with a lot of complex questions. He will further improve our understanding of the political and regulatory framework and help us to work with Public and Regulatory Affairs on an European level.”
“I am delighted to be given the opportunity to combine my political background with the competencies of a strong company as Vattenfall,” says Jöran Hägglund. “I see big challenges and important targets ahead and am looking forward to contributing meeting those.”
Jöran Hägglund will take up his new position on March 1.
For further information, please contact:
Ivo Banek, Presschef Vattenfall AB, mobil +49 171 866 21 54
From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 8 739 50 10, press@vattenfall.com.