Per Olof Granström new head of Vattenfall European Affairs

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Per-Olof Granström has been appointed as new head of Vattenfall European Affairs in Brussels.

Per-Olof Granström comes from a position as executive vice president of Svensk Energi/Swedenergy, an industry organisation representing the companies involved in electricity generation, distribution and trade in Sweden. Prior to Swedenergy, he has maintained various positions within the energy sector. Among others, Head of Generation and Trade at Stockholm Energi and Vice President/Director of trade at Nord Pool, the Nordic power exchange. Helmar Rendez, senior vice president, Group function Strategy, says: “As we are heading towards an integrated European power market, many pivotal decisions for the energy industry are today prepared on EU level. With Vattenfall’s vision of being a leading European energy company, it is of utmost importance for the company to have an open, trustful and transparent dialogue with key stakeholders in Brussels. Vattenfall wants to make a positive contribution and take an active role in making electricity clean. We are glad to welcome Per-Olof Granström with his long experience of the energy market and of working in Brussels.” Per-Olof Granström will start in his position on 1 October. For further information, please contact: Edvard Lind, Media Relations Manager, telephone +46 (0) 8-739 56 74, mobile +46 (0) 70-358 63 30. From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 (0)8-739 50 10.


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