Vattenfall expands its activities in France

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Frédéric de Maneville has been appoinited Country Manager in France, and a new office will be opened in Paris this autumn.

Vattenfall aims to participate in the tender processes for hydropower concessions in France, which are expected to officially commence beginning 2011. France is the second largest market in Europe in terms of installed hydropower capacity (25 GW) and the renewal of 5.3 GW of concessions until 2015 thus represents more than 20%. Vattenfall aims to obtain a substantial share of the capacity tendered until 2015. 

In line with its new strategic direction, Vattenfall as a group has the ambition to grow in low emitting CO2 energy generation. The renewal of the French hydropower concessions represents a unique opportunity to further develop Vattenfall’s already strong hydropower portfolio, and also to position Vattenfall for further growth on the French market.

Vattenfall was one of the first foreign players to enter the French power market when the liberalisation process was initiated in 2000. Vattenfall currently has activities in France through supplying electricity mainly to large B2B customers and grid operators, which will continue as before. In 2009, Vattenfall sold app. 4.7 TWh electricity.

Vattenfall is now expanding its representation in France by appointing Frédéric de Maneville, 41 years old, as Country Manager. The last two years Frédéric de Maneville has been working for POWEO, an independent energy supplier, as a member of the Executive Committee in charge of Production & Sourcing. Between 2005-2008, Frédéric de Maneville was Vice President in charge of the Power Transformers Division at the international company AREVA T&D. He has also extensive international experience from working in Spain and Brazil in the automotive business. 

- Establishing Vattenfall in France confirms Vattenfall’s position as one of the leading European energy company. Vattenfall’s ambition is to grow within renewable energy, and the upcoming opportunities within hydropower in France falls well within this scope. We are very happy to welcome Frédéric de Maneville who has the experience and competence needed to position Vattenfall in the French market, says Mikael Kramer, Head of Group Function Mergers & Acquisitions and New Geographical Markets. 


For further information, please contact:

Stockholm: Maria Parent, Group Communications, phone: +46 (0) 8 739 65 50

Paris: Anne-Catherine Hehl, Publicis Consultants, phone+33 (0) 1 57 32 86 33, or +33 (0) 6 48 37 81 99


From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 (0)8-739 50 10.

Vattenfall’s vision is to be a leading European energy company. Vattenfall’s main products are electricity and heat. Today, Vattenfall generates electricity, produces heat and supplies energy to several million customers in the Nordic countries and northern Europe. The major customers are industrial plants, energy companies, municipalities, property companies and housing associations. For further information, please see The media service section, including a picture archive and Vattenfall’s press releases, can be found under News & Comments.


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