Vattenfall’s CEO becomes UN climate advisor

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Vattenfall’s CEO, Mr. Lars G Josefsson, has accepted an invitation from the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, to join his new Advisory Group on Energy and Climate.

The Secretary-General has set up a high-level Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change to assist him to navigate the global debate on the energy and climate change challenges and to chart the course for the implementation of the future climate change agreements, particularly those related to the energy sector. “I have decided to establish a high-level energy and climate change advisory group that will bring together business leaders, experts and energy practitioners to help me make timely and appropriate policy contri-butions to the climate and energy challenges facing the world today”, says, UN Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon. Mr. Lars G Josefsson, CEO of Vattenfall AB, has been invited to join this new Advisory Group and accepted the invitation. - I am happy to accept the invitation to participate in this high-level advisory group, which I hope will play an important role in advancing decisions and measures crucial to curbing climate change. The invitation is also a recognition of the significance of Vattenfall’s efforts to advance the energy and climate issue, says Mr. Josefsson. For further information, please contact: Mark Vadasz, Head of Group Media Relations, phone +46 (0)8 739 6066, mobile +46 (0)70 344 61 50. Edvard Lind, Group Media Relations, telephone +46 (0) 8-739 56 74, mobile +46 (0) 70-358 63 30. From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 (0)8-739 50 10.


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