Vattenfall sells Helsingør CHP

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Vattenfall yesterday signed an agreement for the sale of Helsingør Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) in Denmark. The buyer of the plant as well as its heat transmission line is Forsyning Helsingør.

The sales agreement is still conditional on formal approval, including by Vattenfall’s Board of Directors. Transfer of the plant is expected to take place on 30 June 2011. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Vattenfall took over Helsingør CHP in 2006 in conjunction with the acquisition of parts of what was then the Danish energy company ENERGI E2.

The plant uses natural gas as fuel and has a capacity of 60 MW of electricity and 60 MWth of district heat. This corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of about 62,500 households and the heat consumption of about 25,000 households.

The agreement is in line with Vattenfall’s strategy of reducing its CO2 exposure and focusing on its core markets Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands.

For further information, please contact:
Marianne Reedtz Sparrevohn, Head of Communications at Vattenfall A/S . Tel. + 45 27875526

From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 8 739 50 10,




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