New Heavy Construction Contracts amounting to NOK 272 million

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Veidekke Entreprenør a.s has signed contracts for the construction of Reinskar Hydro-Electric Power Plant in Gildeskål and the renovation of two sub sea tunnels on the main road from Ålesund to Ellingsøy and Valderøy

"These contracts will enable us to employ our tunnelling skills and resources," says department manager Kåre Strand of Veidekke Entrepenør. "In the Ålesund tunnels we will use a new membrane especially developed for water and frost protection in tunnels. This method will also enable us to execute the work faster and at a lower price."

Reinskar Hydro-Electric Power Plant
This contract includes construction of a power station, dam renovation and construction of a three kilometres long tunnel system. Our client is Sjøfossen Energi AS, and the contract price is NOK 92 million, VAT excluded.

The work will start in August 2006 and will be completed by December 2008.

Ålesund tunnels
Statens vegvesen (The Public Roads Administration) has asked Veidekke to undertake the renovation of the sub sea tunnels from Ålesund to Ellingsøy and Valderøy. The contract price is NOK 180 million, VAT excluded.

The Ellingsøy tunnel has a length of 3,250 m and the Valderøy tunnel is 4,222 m long. In each of the tunnels there will be established a turnaround niche, parts of the tunnels are to be extended and the cross sections of the tunnels are to be secured. All existing water and frost protection are to be demolished and replaced. All existing lighting systems and cables will also be replaced.

The work is scheduled to start in October 2006 and will be completed summer 2008.

For further information about the contracts, please contact
Department Manager Kåre Strand, Veidekke Entreprenør a.s, mobile +47 900 88 073, or

Reinskar Hydro-Electric Power Plant
Site Manager Stein Bjøru, Veidekke Entreprenør a.s, mobile +47 950 20 560

Ålesund tunnels
Project Manager Tor Harald Haugen, Veidekke Entreprenør a.s, mobile + 47 952 18 233

