New Veidekke Contracts totalling NOK 100 million in Follo

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Veidekke Entreprenør AS has recently signed contracts in the district of Follo totalling approximately NOK 100 million excl. VAT. The largest contract is for the Ullerud Nursing Home in Frogn, which has a value of NOK 53 million.
The Ullerud contract involves the construction of 35 (residential) units with a total floor area of 3,100 m2. Construction starts in August and the project is scheduled for completion in October 2004.

Toyota is going to build new offices in Ski, and has given the construction contract to Veidekke. The contract price is NOK 18 million. Construction starts in July and completion is scheduled for March 2004.

For Toppenhaug Housing Cooperative in Oppegård, Veidekke is going to build 12 two-room flats at a contract price of NOK 11 million. Construction starts at the beginning of July and will be completed by March 2004.

Contracts have also been signed for an extension to Stavanger Rørhandel's office building in Vestby (NOK 12 million) and for five dwellings (modules) for Rekkevik in Ski (NOK 6 million). These projects will also start in early July, with contract periods of seven and three months, respectively.

For further information, please contact:
District Manager Per-Inge Heen, Veidekke Entreprenør AS,
phone +64 97 47 00.
