Share buyback

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The Board of Directors of Veidekke ASA decided at yesterday's board meeting that the company would repurchase up to three per cent of its own shares (858,268 shares). This decision is in line with the authorisation granted by the company's annual general meeting on 8 May this year.

The Group's strong financial position and good future cash flows permit investment and repurchase of shares. The company's share buyback programme will help to secure an optimum capital structure for the Group. The intention is to cancel the purchased shares.

Veidekke's dividend policy will not be affected by the share buyback programme and dividends will continue to constitute at least 50 per cent of earnings per share.

Please address any queries to:

Arne Giske, Executive Vice President, CFO, phone +47 21057780 or +47 90589526
Jørgen G. Michelet, Financial Director and Head of Investor Relations, phone +47 21057722 or +47 91743856
Kai Krüger Henriksen, Executive Vice President, Communication, phone +47 21057704 or +47 90519360

