Sweden's Largest In-house Sports Arena to be Built in Kristinehamn.

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The group NSF, Nordic Sports Facilities, has plans to build Sweden's largest all sports arena in Kristinehamn. The arena will concentrate on football, athletics, concerts and trade fairs. The football arena has UEFA measures and for concerts the arena can hold close to 14,000 people, which is by far the largest concert hall in the region.
The Group consists of the Norwegian construction company Veidekke, the Norwegian architect company BIONG and the company AllSportsBiz of which MIF Redhwaks former managing director Sven-Åke Wikers is managing director.

The new hall, Skärgårdshallen, in Kristinehamn will be the largest event arena in the middle and west of Sweden. Today, there are only four similar halls in Sweden - Arcus in Luleå, Tipshallen in Växjø, the trade fair hall at Elmia in Jönköping and a hall in Sundsvall. ASB (AllSportsBiz) is also involved in other similar projects both in Sweden and abroad.

"Focus in the event arena in Kristinehamn is football and athletics. It will, however, also be possible to arrange fairs, conferences, training camps, athletics cups, larger meetings or assemblies as well as concerts, dances and large cultural events," says Sven-Åke Wikers.
Since ASB will be operating other arenas and ice halls in Scandinavia, synergies may be achieved through cooperation with major event organizers. This means that artists and shows may be linked to both Kristinehamn and other places.

Why Kristinehamn?
Good transportation systems and a thriving municipality of just the right size. One of the absolutely most important criteria when establishing an event area is a well-developed infrastructure. Kristinehamn is strategically situated in the middle of the city regions of Oslo and Stockholm and has very good national and international connections. It takes 45 minutes from the airports of Karlstad  and Örebro, and by railway Kristinehamn can be reached from all over the country. Within a radius of a 45-minute car ride there is a population of at least 360,000 people.

"A strong reason contributing to ASB's interest is the wind of change that we can see is sweeping through the municipality. As an outsider I can feel that there is a positive spirit," says Sven-Åke Wikers.

He adds: "An event arena is so much more than just athletics and sports. Of course the basis will be sport, but experience from similar projects tells us that an event arena will be the centre of the municipality for a variety of activities. Experience from Norway shows clearly that it is in smaller municipalities that we can find the most successful outcomes. Through establishing an event arena in a smaller town we achieve more support from both inhabitants and local business."

Estimated project costs are 75 million (VAT not included) for a turn-key project including water and electricity as well as parking. There is no financial risk involved for the municipality in terms of guarantees, securities, ownership etc. The Green Academy, a subsidiary of AllSportsBiz, will give a completion guarantee for the project in cooperation with NSF, so that the municipality will know that they will not be left with a half-finished building and a framework. On the contrary, the municipality will buy time in the arena. For SEK 2 million a year the municipality will have the use of 30 per cent of the possible time in the arena, preferably during daytime between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. In this way the municipality will help schools and associations that today have difficulties in obtaining time because of lack of halls.

"In a hall of this size it is important that the municipality plays a part. To insure a high exploitation ratio of the facilities, cooperation with local sport clubs is essential. A close cooperation with local and regional businesses is also of the utmost importance", Sven-Åke Wikers emphasises.

Provided that the design starts as planned, a realistic time schedule is that the building will be completed during summer 2005 and that the opening of the hall may take place in August/September.

Arena Facts
Total floor area of more than 10,000 m2.
The height of arena is 24 m, and the arena will serve nicely as a golf driving range. The driving distance will be 68 m. In the arena, motor sports such as trial games may be arranged.
The football field will hold UEFA measures with a greater security distance than in previously built arenas.
For concerts, the arena can hold as many as 14,000 people, and is definitely the largest concert hall in the region.

Facts about the partners
Through its parent company in England and subsidiaries in Sweden and Norway, AllSportsBiz controls ownerships and licences for a number of state-of-the art technologies, such as freezing and heating technology. These technologies have all been patented, and the main purpose for the company's involvement is to bring out, market and sell these environmentally friendly and energy saving technologies in a wide, global market. In terms of marketing efforts, the arena in Kristinehamn will serve as a model.

Veidekke is one of Norway's largest building, construction and property development companies. The group has more than 7000 employees and a turnover of close to NOK 15 billion.

BIONG Arkitekter has, in Norway and internationally, become renowned as the company behind the world famous skating arena in Hamar, The Viking Ship (Vikingskipet). BIONG was also main architects for Ullevål Stadion, which is Norway's national football arena, and some 40 other football arenas and athletics halls throughout Norway during the past ten years.

For further information please contact:
Sven-Åke Wikers 070/44 43 700
