Veidekke Stockholm is Building new Local Train Station in Jakobsberg

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SL Infrateknik AB has awarded Veidekke Stockholm AB the contract for construction of a new local train station in Jacobsberg, approximately 20 km northwest of Stockholm. The contract price is approximately 40 million SE. The construction period is one year beginning August 2004.
The contract includes demolition of the original station building, spanning roof constructions and lift, as well as erection of a new building with a floor space of approximately 900 m2, construction of roof covered platforms and exterior work.

Demounting of a temporary station previously built by Veidekke in order to make construction of this project possible and its transport to a depot are also included in the contract. Finally the contract includes backfilling of the ground and track areas.

The work will be carried out in three stages to minimize traffic flow disturbance. Disruptive work will be limited and performed at night. The first stage involves construction of a new station building, stage 2 involves work on a pedestrian and bicycle underpass and the third stage includes demounting of the temporary station.

For further information please contact:

Managing Director Göran P. Larson, Veidekke Stockholm AB,
phone + 46 8 635 61 00
Project Manager, Patrik Hamberg, Veidekke Stockholm AB,
phone + 46 8 635 61 44
