Ambitious EU climate change and energy package

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European Parliament has today by great majority endorsed last weeks' decision of
the EU Heads of State on an ambitious EU climate and energy package. This       
package contains two EU Directives of relevant importance for wind power, the   
Directive on Renewable Energy (RE) and the Directive on the European Emission   
Trading Scheme (ETS).                                                           

“Vestas welcomes the adoption of the EU climate and energy package, which       
provides the European Union with an innovative piece of legislation integrating 
climate change and energy concerns”, states Ditlev Engel, President and CEO of  
Vestas Wind Systems A/S.                                                        

The Climate and Energy package includes a 20 per cent emissions reduction       
target, a 20 per cent renewable energy target and a 20 per cent energy          
efficiency target by 2020. Reaching the targets will increase the EU's energy   
security and set the pace for a new industrial revolution, also consolidating   
the EU's leading role at the UN climate change negotiations. “The agreement     
reached and today endorsed by the European Parliament represents a historical   
opportunity for the European wind industry which will facilitate the EU to step 
into the 21st century's modern energy mix,” concludes Ditlev Engel.             

The adoption of the RE Directive will enhance the development of sustainable    
energy sources in Europe and ensure predictability of the investment in the wind
energy sector. It enables wind power and other renewable energy sources to      
consolidate European leadership in the coming global energy revolution.         

Vestas sees the adoption of an overall 20 per cent legally binding renewable    
energy target for the EU by 2020 as a boost for the investment stability in the 
wind energy sector. Moreover, by defining targets prorated according to each    
Member State's needs and potential, the EU provides for real instruments for    
long-term planning on renewable energy.                                         

The current international financial situation calls - more than ever - for      
investors' certainty. The RE Directive provides the stability and predictability
the wind sector needs for a proper and continuous development. Indeed, by       
adopting such Directive, the EU confirms that wind power generation is on track 
to become a mainstream clean electricity provider and one of the future central 
energy sources in the EU energy mix.                                            

Further, the adoption of the Directive on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme adds  
to European leadership by subjecting the power sector in over half of European  
countries to the polluter pays principle, allowing for the creation of a price  
of carbon that incentivises investment in sustainable energy sources.           

With a 23 per cent market share, and 35,500 wind turbines installed, Vestas is  
the world's leading supplier of wind power solutions. With more than 19,300     
employees over the world and 30 years' experience in wind power technology,     
Vestas represents a mature and cost-efficient renewable energy.                 

As No. 1 in Modern Energy, Vestas is more than ready to play a key role in      
reaching EU's energy targets. Indeed, Vestas technology will make a substantial 
contribution to many Member States' realisation of their renewable energy 2020  
targets. In the short, medium and long term, wind power will contribute         
increasingly to the abatement of global climate change, lowering energy         
dependence and securing many jobs in the modern energy economy of Europe.       

In conclusion, Vestas welcomes ongoing efforts which have been made for the     
adoption of the RE and the ETS Directives. The wind energy sector welcomes this 
landmark legislation that will maintain the leadership of the European clean    
energy industry and keep its high job creation level. By adopting the climate   
and energy package, the EU Member States and the various European Union's       
institutions associated to the process provide for the legal tools enabling a   
stable and secure development and deployment of wind energy in Europe.          


Contact details:                                                                
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Denmark                                                
Peter C. Brun, Senior VP, Group Government Relations                            
Tel.: +45 9730 7842


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