Announcement of Vestas Executives' trading with securities

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In accordance with section 28 a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Vestas    
Wind Systems A/S is required to publish information regarding trading in Vestas 
Wind Systems A/S shares and securities by Executives and persons closely        
associated with an Executive.                                                   
The statement is based on reports which Vestas Wind Systems A/S has received    
from some of the Executives on 20 August 2010.                                  

| Name:                             | John Skat Dalgaard                       |
| Position of Executive:            | SVP, GEO, Vestas Wind Systems A/S        |
| Related party:                    | ARJ Invest ApS                           |
| Issuer:                           | Vestas Wind Systems A/S                  |
| ID code:                          | DK0010268606                             |
| Type of securities:               | Shares                                   |
| Type of transaction:              | Purchase                                 |
| Date of trading:                  | 19 August 2010                           |
| Place of transaction:             | Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen                    |
| Number of securities traded:      | 850                                      |
| Market value (DKK) of securities  | DKK 205,700.00                           |
| traded:                           |                                          |

| Name:                             | Finn Strøm Madsen                        |
| Position of Executive:            | President, Vestas Technology R&D         |
| Issuer:                           | Vestas Wind Systems A/S                  |
| ID code:                          | DK0010268606                             |
| Type of securities:               | Shares                                   |
| Type of transaction:              | Purchase                                 |
| Date of trading:                  | 20 August 2010                           |
| Place of transaction:             | Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen                    |
| Number of securities traded:      | 320                                      |
| Market value (DKK) of securities  | DKK 75,648.00                            |
| traded:                           |                                          |

Any questions may be addressed to the Executive Management at Vestas Wind       
Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.                                           

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Ditlev Engel                                                                    
President and CEO


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