Annual report 2009: Strong foundation for Triple15

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EBIT rose by 28 per cent to EUR 856m in 2009, consistent with the “mid-point”
guidance. The EBIT margin rose to 12.9 per cent. Revenue increased by 10 per
cent to EUR 6.6bn, which was less than expected. Forecast for 2010 narrowed;
due to late order intake, Vestas now expects to achieve an EBIT margin of 10-11
per cent and revenue of EUR 7bn. The far majority of revenue, and especially
profit will to be generated in the second half of 2010. The inflow of firm and
unconditional orders is expected to rise to 8,000-9,000 MW in 2010 from 3,072
MW in 2009, 6,019 MW in 2008 and 5,613 MW in 2007. The value of the backlog of
firm and unconditional orders amounted to EUR 2.2bn at 31 December 2009. 

The presentation of the annual report will take place today at 2 p.m.
(London-time)/3 p.m. (CET - Danish time) at the Landmark Hotel in London.
Further details can be found on our website and the presentation may also be
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