Major shareholder announcement - BlackRock, Inc.

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Vestas has received information from BlackRock Investment Management (UK)       
Limited, 33 King William Street, London EC4R 9AS, UK that BlackRock, Inc. as per
25 August 2010 has reduced their holding of Vestas shares from 10,187,787 (ref. 
company announcement No. 24/2010 of 11 June 2010) to 9,802,374 shares (4.81 per 
cent) and as per 26 August 2010 again has increased their holding of Vestas     
shares to 10,327,971 (5.07 per cent).                                           

Contact details:                                                                
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Denmark                                                
Peter W Kruse, Senior Vice President, Group Communications                      
Telephone +45 9730 0000


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