Vestas' vision of wind, oil and gas is becoming a reality

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The Danish Climate Commission states that Denmark can have a fossil free energy 
"We are very pleased that the Danish Government's Climate Commission            
acknowledges wind energy's potential as the cornerstone of the future energy    
supply. Vestas intends to use this message to show the world that thought can be
put into action. It supports Vestas' vision that wind is an energy resource that
is just as reliable as oil and gas. It just does not pollute the environment,   
and it is an abundant and free resource, "says CEO of Vestas Ditlev Engel,      
commenting on the commission report - released today.                           
Firstly, the report concludes that Denmark can have a fossil free energy        
supply in the foreseeable future. Secondly, it confirms that wind energy is a   
modern and competitive power generation technology - and for Denmark, it will be
the most economically feasible way to go for maximum usage of its wind resource.
Thirdly, the Commission recognises the transition to renewable energy is an     
economical and technologically feasible option in the event of the oil and gas  
resources in the North Sea running dry.
"If the Danish government intends to follow the Climate Commission's            
recommendations, it will contribute to keeping Denmark the leader in wind energy
technology development. It will also send a very clear and important signal to  
other countries that wind is a sustainable source of energy for future          
development. This is a great opportunity to solidify Denmark's reputation as a  
laboratory for green, CO2-free power technology solutions that are globally     
required," says Ditlev Engel.                                                

Contact details:                                                                
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Denmark                                                
Peter C. Brun, Senior Vice President, Group Governmental Relations              
Telephone +45 9730 0000                                                         

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