Vestas receives 123 MW order from EDF Energies Nouvelles

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Company announcement from                                                       
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Randers, 10 April 2008 
Company announcement No. 22/2008

Vestas receives 123 MW order from EDF Energies Nouvelles                        

As communicated in Stock exchange announcement No. 48/2006 of 15 November 2006, 
EDF Energies Nouvelles (EDF-EN) signed a frame agreement with Vestas for        
delivery of 100 MW in each of the years 2008 and 2009. Furthermore, the         
agreement contained an option to purchase an additional 200 MW for delivery in  

Vestas is now pleased to announce that EDF-EN has decided to utilise the option 
and has placed an order for a total of 123 MW. Hence, in 2009 Vestas will within
the frame agreement supply a total of 223 MW distributed on five wind power     
plants in Greece, two in France and one in Italy.                               

The 223 MW projects, which will be supplied in 2009, in total consist of 7 units
of the V80-2.0 MW turbine, 13 units of the V90-2.0 MW turbine and 61 units of   
the V90-3.0 MW wind turbine. Furthermore, the order comprises supply and        
commissioning of the wind turbines as well as a VestasOnline™ Business SCADA    
system. Delivery of the 81 wind turbines is expected to start in 2009.          

“We are pleased that EDF-EN has utilised the option stipulated in our frame     
agreement and chosen Vestas as its partner for these large wind energy projects 
in the Mediterranean area. We are particularly pleased to see the confidence    
placed in our V90-3.0 MW turbine,” says Juan Araluce, President of Vestas       
Mediterranean A/S, and continues: “We look forward to further developing our    
long-term partnership with EDF-EN and extending our business cooperation into   
new markets.”                                                                   

EDF-EN is a world-class player in the green electricity generation market with a
wind portfolio of 1,218 MW installed by 31 December 2007. With a presence in    
several European countries like France, Italy, Greece, Portugal and in the      
United States, wind energy currently accounts for more than 80 per cent of      
EDF-EN's installed capacity.                                                    

The above order does not affect the Vestas Group's expectations for 2008, cf.   
Company announcement No. 13/2008 of 27 February 2008.                           

Any questions in relation to the order may be addressed to Juan Araluce,        
President of Vestas Mediterranean A/S, telephone +34 93 241 98 00, or to Peter  
Wenzel Kruse, Senior Vice President of Group Communications at Vestas Wind      
Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.                                           

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Ditlev Engel                                                                    
President and CEO


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