Vestas receives order for 61 wind turbines for Spain
Company announcement from
Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Randers, 4 April 2008
Company announcement No. 21/2008
Vestas receives order for 61 wind turbines for Spain
Vestas has received an order for a total of 128 MW for four projects in Spain.
The contract includes 25 units of the V90-2.0 MW turbine, 19 units of the
V90-1.8 MW turbine, 10 units of the V90-3.0 MW turbine and 7 units of the
V80-2.0 MW turbine. The order has been placed by one of the top five utilities
in Spain.
The order comprises supply, installation, commissioning and the VestasOnlineTM
Business SCADA solution. The contract also includes a five-year service
The projects will be located in the provinces of León in the region of Castilla
y León and in Lugo in the region of Galicia. With 2,951 MW and 2,818 MW,
respectively, installed by 1 January 2008, the regions of Galicia and Castilla y
León rank second and third in Spain in terms of total installed wind capacity.
“With this new order, we are further strengthening our position in Spain and in
particular in the regions of Galicia and Castilla y León,” says Juan Araluce,
President of Vestas Mediterranean A/S.
Delivery of the wind turbines will begin during the last quarter of 2008. The
production from the four wind power plants will satisfy the electricity needs of
approx 74,000 Spanish households and will correspond to an annual emission
saving of more than 190,000 tons of CO2.
The above order does not affect the Vestas Group's expectations for 2008, cf.
Company announcement No. 13/2008 of 27 February 2008.
Any questions in relation to the order may be addressed to Juan Araluce,
President of Vestas Mediterranean A/S, telephone +34 93 241 98 00, or to Peter
Wenzel Kruse, Senior Vice President of Group Communications at Vestas Wind
Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.
Yours sincerely
Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Ditlev Engel
President and CEO