Vestas Wind Systems A/S' annual general meeting on 26 April 2007 at 7 p.m.

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Copenhagen Stock Exchange                                                       
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                                 
1067 Copenhagen K                                                               

Randers, 26 April 2007                                                         
Stock exchange announcement No. 18/2007                                        

Vestas Wind Systems A/S' annual general meeting on 26 April 2007 at 7 p.m.      

The annual general meeting of Vestas Wind Systems A/S has been held today.      

Items 1-4 of the agenda were discussed and approved as presented. There will be 
no distribution of dividend for 2006.                                           

The members of the Board of Directors were re-appointed, cf. item 5.            

PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab and KPMG          
C.Jesper­sen Statsautoriseret Revisionsinteressentskab were re-appointed as the 
Company's auditors, cf. item 6.                                                 
In relation to item 7 of the agenda, all proposals from the Board of Directors  
were discussed and approved. The company's Articles of Association will thus be 
changed as follows:                                                             

Amendment of Article 5 (2) so that the agenda for the ordinary general meeting  
will not include an item regarding decision to discharge the Board of Directors 
and Executive Management from liability.                                        

Amendment of Article 8 (2) and Article 9 (1) changing the term 'Executive       
Manager' to 'member of the Executive Management'.                               

Amendment of Article 10 (1) so that the term 'Executive Manager' is changed to  
'member of the Executive Management', and that two members of the Executive     
Management jointly can bind the Company.                                        

Amendment of Article 11 (1) so that the Company's annual report shall be audited
by one or two audit firms.                                                      

Finally, the Board of Directors was authorised to let the company acquire own   
shares up to a total nominal value of 10 per cent of the company's share capital
in the period up to the next ordinary General Meeting.                          
After the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors held a statutory board 
meeting during which Bent Erik Carlsen was re-elected Chairman of the Board of  
Directors and Torsten Erik Rasmussen was re-elected Deputy Chairman of the Board
of Directors.                                                                   

Any questions may be addressed to the Executive Management at Vestas Wind       
Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.                                           

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S	                                                        

Bent Erik Carlsen                                                               
Chairman of the Board of Directors


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