Ethical approval for a study of colorectal cancer with VibroSense Meter
The previously communicated study at the clinic of Oncology, at Skåne University Hospital, has now been granted an ethical approval. The purpose of the study is to investigate the extent to which VibroSense Meter can be used to detect nerve damage (neuropathy) that occurs in the treatment of colorectal cancer with Oxaliplatin. 30 patients will be included in the study and data collection is expected to be completed in November 2018. In an extension, the goal is to develop personalized treatment, aided by the company's product VibroSense Meter, to reduce or prevent nerve damage caused by chemotherapy.
The purpose of the study is to investigate whether VibroSense Dynamic’s method, Multi-Frequency Vibrometry (MFV), can be a good indicator of sensory neuropathy in Oxaliplatin treatment and if MFV is better than the questionnaires used today. Both hands and feet shall be examined with the company's product and method. In the ethical application, doctors emphasize that "early and safe detection of neuropathy could play a major role in reducing the occurrence of permanent damages in patients undergoing Oxaliplatin treatment." Nearly 40 percent of patients suffer permanent damages after 3-4 months of treatment.
Oxaliplatin is commonly used in the treatment of colorectal cancer which is the third most common cancer form in the world. About 6,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are diagnosed in Sweden per year. After lung cancer, colorectal cancer is the most common cause of death due to cancer in Europe. Oxaliplatin produces serious side effects that can cause permanent damage, including sensory neuropathy in the hands and feet.
VibroSense Dynamics announced in a press release on January 22, 2018 that preparations for the study started.
- The study is the third started in less than a year in the area of Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy (CIPN), i.e. nerve damageS caused by chemotherapy. We are experiencing a significant increased interest from the oncologists and I am convinced that our VibroSense Meter can help doctors to get better knowledge about nerve damage associated with chemotherapy. As the number of drug-drug treatments increases in absolute figures, we see a major need to improve today's diagnostics of nerve damage to optimize chemotherapy, "says Toni Speidel, CEO VibroSense Dynamics AB.
Toni Speidel, CEO VibroSense Dynamics AB,
Tel: +46 40 650 14 12
This information is information that VibroSense Dynamics AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on April 16th 2018.
About VibroSense Dynamics AB (publ)
VibroSense Dynamics AB (public) develops and markets efficient systems to aid early detection and diagnosis of sensory neuropathy, i.e. disease of large nerve fibres and nerve trunks in e.g. legs and arms. The Company, founded in 2005, has been listed on AktieTorget since May 2015.